"Suck it all out, little one," I mumble around the soft curve of her breast. "It all belongs to you - only to you - always you."
She might not understand my words, but her body understands what is going on because she falls back into another orgasm. This one lasts longer and seems bigger. I finally allow myself to cum again when I push for one more release from her. She tells me at first that she can't, but I drop my thumb to her clit and start working it until she finally gives me one last convulsive release before I cum with her. I'm still cumming when she relaxes and drifts off to sleep fully sated now that she has what she wants.
Chapter Ten
I should be waking up surrounded by my best friends but instead, I wake up on fire. My body and mind are so worked up I'm cumming before I even open my eyes. The muscles around my opening, stretched beyond belief, are fluttering still, and yet, Storm doesn't stop. He keeps pushing in and pulling out.
He lowers himself so that he is closer to me. "You going to wake up, beautiful, or are you going to keep giving me those sexy moans in your sleep? You cried out for me, said my name, even in your sleep. Do you realize how that makes me feel?" he pauses to either let me think about his question or because he starts kissing down my neck causing my body to shiver over and over again. "Like a goddamn king! You make me feel like a king, baby."
I gasp at his words. They make me shiver almost as much as his mouth does. I make him feel like a king. I do that. It makes me feel like I'm in control even when he's the one on top of me and more powerful than I have ever felt before.
I'm unprepared for him to pull out of me and roll us so that I am on top of him. He helps me sit up and back so that his cock slides all the way up inside of me. "Show your man how much you want him." His lips are tilted up in a mischievous grin as he uses his hips to pop me up and down on him. "Work that cum from my balls. Ride me, baby!"
I've dry-humped him so much over the past week that it should be easy for me to pick up the rhythm but now that I am in charge, I find myself less than sure. It's not just the fact that I'm the one calling the shots - how fast, how deep - it's also the fact that he can see all of me.
"Don't get all shy on me now, baby. Let me see that little body enjoying what I can give it." He takes my hips in his hands and teaches me the way to ride him. It's slightly different from dry humping in the fact that I can move up and down now and he goes in and out of me.
By the time we both cum I'm so lost in the feeling of him being so deep inside of me and hitting that spot that I'm not even concerned about him looking at my naked body. His hands are working my breasts and his thighs are bunching beneath me every time we move. My head falls back, the ends of my hair brushing against those thighs as I work my way down on his cock one more time before I lose my mind and my body explodes doing exactly what he told me to - sucking all of the cum he has for me out and feeling it spurt inside of me.
I slump forward and he wraps me in his arms. We stay like that for a while until he stirs and kisses the top of my head. "I hate to say anything, really I do, but you have to open the bakery today don't you, baby."
My eyes fly open, and I start trying to remember what day it is. I came to Storm on Saturday night. I have to open early on Monday morning. Did we spend a whole day...fucking? When I move around my body certainly says we did. We did eat a couple of times and made love in most of the rooms of the house.
"Are you awake, love?"
Did he just call me love? Is that another nickname like Candy or Baby or...is it something more?
"You awake?"
I can't think about it right now. Now, I have to prepare for the day. I move and meet his mouth with my own before we both groan at having to leave this safe, warm cocoon that we've made for ourselves. "I'm up, I'm up."
I'm not happy about it but I'm up. He chuckles at my grouchiness. "Come on, babe. I want to make you breakfast before you have to go to work."
He rolls us once more and pulls out of me finally. A flood of cum streams out of me. It makes me remember that we didn't use anything last...well, ever. We haven't used anything to prevent pregnancy once. Fear starts to bubble up inside of me at how careless we've been but before it can take root in my head long enough to become an actual problem Storm is kissing the hell out of me and making my mind go empty.
By the time he drops me off at the bakery, the only thing I can think about is him and how to get back to the warmth of the nest we've made for ourselves in his house. In fact, with the store keeping busy during the day and Storm keeping me just as busy at night I don't think about much else.
Until five weeks later. It’s not the missed period that tells me something is wrong. It's the sick feeling that sticks with me all day. The tiredness that seems so ingrained in me my bones hurt with it. I really start to worry I might have something wrong with me - bad wrong. I finally break down and confide in Bonny.
"I think I'm sick, Bonny."
She instantly turns worried eyes my way, "Like the flu?"
I shake my head. This has been going on for too long to be the flu. I'm also not getting any better but I'm not getting any worse either and if it was the flu or something like it wouldn't I get sicker and sicker? "I don't think so."
I go over my symptoms with her. Her eyes widen the more I go on causing me to get more and more worried. "Um, have you...um, well, Candy,"
"Do you think you know what I might have? Do you think you know what's wrong with me? Just spit it out, Bonny."
"You see, um, some of those symptoms are things that I'm also having problems with." Oh shit, did I give something to Bonny? My heart starts pounding hard in my chest at the thought I made one of my girls sick. "But, um, I know what's wrong with me."
Her words pull me back to the now and have me curious about what is going on around here with all of us. "What is it? What's wrong?"
She blushes hard and looks around the room before finally answering me. "Well, um, I'm...I'm having a baby, Candy."
It’s like all the oxygen is sucked out of the room and I start to feel a little dizzy like I might faint. I look back at Bonny who is giving me a worried little smile.