Both of us are still kissing when we hear a little shriek behind us.
"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" She cuts part of her apology off by closing the back door she just walked in from.
I lay there staring up at the ceiling trying to catch my breath when it hits me. My best friends just walked in on me being eaten like a dessert and all I can do is lay here and wait to see what happens next.
Chapter Eight
Storm pulls me up from the table and helps me back into my jeans and straightens my shirt. He looks pissed as fuck. Is it because we were interrupted or because he doesn't want anyone to realize he's with me? The girls know about him flirting with me though. He hasn't been subtle about it. God, what if it wasn't good? What if he didn't enjoy it as much as he thought he would and now he doesn't know how to tell me?
I try to figure it out, but my brain is foggy and orgasm-dulled. "Did I do...something wrong?"
"What?" He looks surprised by my question. Then he's taking my face in his hands and staring into my eyes. "Oh, fuck no, baby. You didn't do a thing wrong. I'm pissed at myself for not protecting you better - I should have locked the door."
I can't help but give him a little giggle at his words, "Protect me? Bonny and Lilly aren't going to hurt us."
"No one needs to hear you cum or see you with that sexy 'just fucked' look except me." My heart swells at his words. "My lady isn't the kind of girl who would be okay with that. I know that."
I can't believe he... understands me so well so quickly. And that he watches out for me, not just to keep me safe but to keep my dignity safe as well. A part of me melts at the thought. Holy shit, I could really fall for this guy.
It is a thought that keeps ricocheting through my head all day long. True to his word, Storm doesn't leave me. He spends the day helping us and making sure I stay put so that I don't overdo it. It starts to get late, and I can tell the girls want to go home but they don't want to leave me if I need them.
It's Bonny who finally just breaks down and asks, "Candy, do you need us to stay with you tonight? Do you want to come stay with me? Or Lolly?"
"You girls go on home. I can stay with Candy."
Both of the girls look from me to Storm, but they don't make a move to leave. They know how I felt about him.
"Let me put this another way, I'm going to be the one to stay with Candy and make sure she stays safe and doesn't overdo it. You all can either go on home or you can stay here with us. But either way, I'm not leaving Candy."
They still look to me. And Lolly is the one who steps up, "That's sweet but until we know Candy is alright with it, we're not going anywhere buddy."
I wait for Storm to get mad and start yelling at them or act pissy towards them. Instead, his lips tilt up in a little grin surprising us all I think. "You're a good friend, Lilly. You both are."
That's all he says. He doesn't lose his temper, he doesn't shout at them, he doesn't even act like they pissed him off or hurt his feelings. He turns back to what he was doing before anyone started talking about this.
"You're...alright with that?" I have to ask.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be alright with people being around you who love and look out for you?"
"Most...guys, men, get...,"
"Butthurt over us taking up for each other." Lolly finishes for me thankfully.
Storm leans his head back and laughs loudly. "I don't know who you guys have been hanging around, but it takes a real douche of a human being to be hurt over the fact that another person cares for the person you care about." He walks closer to me and drops a kiss on my forehead.
"You're not going to pull the whole caveman alpha thing and get all possessive of Candy?" All three of us are still trying to figure him out.
"Oh no, make no mistake - Candy is mine! I'm not going to be alright with someone getting close until I make sure they have her best interest at heart. But you all have known each other for years, it's kind of a package deal. If I'm going to be with Candy, I'm going to have to be alright with the two of you."
He turns back once again. Meanwhile, we are all standing with our mouths open in astonishment. "So what's it going to be girls? If we're all staying, I suggest we move this party to my house," he turns to look at all of us, "it has more bedrooms."
"You girls can go on home. And you can too, Storm. I don't need a babysitter anymore."
Storm comes over to me and looks me in the eyes with his piercing blue orbs, "Not going to happen. I promised I wouldn't leave you and I'm not."
"I can't go home with you tonight, Storm." If I do, I will fall hopelessly in love with him.