Page 105 of Candygrams

“I’m not pregnant.”

“You’re going to be if we don’t stop and let me go out to get…”

“Please, no. I…I don’t want you to leave me.”

“Baby, I don’t want to leave but I also don’t want to take that decision away from you and I’m mere seconds from blowing my load. You feel too fucking good and I can’t…hold back once I…hell, I’m barely holding back now. I have to pull out before.”

“No.” My legs tighten around him. “You said…I thought…stopping is probably what we should do, right?”

“God damn it, baby. You know we never do what we should do.” I give him a grin that tells him this time I’m counting on it. “You want me to fill your pussy full, don’t you? You want me to make you a momma.”

“If you don’t…” the sound of his voice is so gruff I can’t tell if he’s mad about it now or not. I don't want him to think I'm trying to trap him.

“Fuck! You really think I don’t want to push all the way inside of you until I bump up against the very bottom, right where I need to be to have one of my little swimmers take root. You think I don’t want to knock you up, to watch you grow round with our child. Fuck, I just want you to understand what it could mean.”

“Are you going to leave me if we…?” I wave my hand around not wanting to say the words if he doesn’t want it as much as I do.

“Baby, in a matter of seconds the only way you’re ever going to be without me is if you kill me. I meant what I said when I told Coach you weren’t pregnant yet. If you want that.”

I pull him closer to me so I can whisper in his ear, “Then what are you waiting for, Rip.”

The broad muscles of his back start to tense under my fingertips and he buries his face in my shoulder and neck as the head of his cock swells even thicker seconds before the hot rush of his release baths my insides.

“Oh my gosh. That…I could feel…”

His fingers start working on my clit again even as he stays hard and stays inside of me. He presses forward giving me more of him, moaning the entire time. Our mouths meet blindly as he takes it so slow I think I might combust before he is fully inside of me. I move my thighs higher and wrap them more fully around him to encourage him to move faster, to pry me open even further, and then my body tenses around him as we both feel the little barrier give under the constant pressure he uses.

My brows furrow due to the slight pinch of pain before my body starts to tip over the edge of pain and right into pleasure.

“Oh God! Rip! I’m…”

“Oh fuck, yeah, Tandy. Show me how much you like knowing this beautiful body belongs to me and no one else but me.”


His name is pulled from me in a whispered scream as my body starts tightening around his long, hard shaft. Unlike before, when I came from his fingers, this time my body has something larger to cling to, something to fill it completely full as I start to pulse around him and lose my mind again. Strong contractions wash over my body and leave me wrung out as a mixture of both of us flood my thighs and trickle down between our bodies. He’s filled me again and this time so full it's leaking out. The mere thought is enough to build me back up again.

By the time I can catch my breath and grasp what is happening, he’s sunk all the way inside of me, moving in and out at a pace that has my breasts bouncing every time he pushes in. He ducks his head and takes one of the tight peaks in his mouth causing a squeal of pleasure to leave me. My fingernails sink into his back, and I cling to him, my only safe place from the pleasure swamping me over and over again.

“Yes! Yes! Rip! I…I love you!”

“I love you, Tandy. Now, tomorrow, forever. I never want to be away from you, baby. I'll never let you go. You’re going to be mine forever.”

“Yes!” I scream the word as the muscles of my sex start to milk his shaft sealing us together. Forever.

Chapter Twenty-Five


My eyes fly open when I hear the knocking on the front door. It doesn’t let up and sounds like the kind of knock the police use in movies. Not sure if they knock like that in real life because I’ve never been on the other side of that situation. So, who the hell is at the door? And why?

I pull my arm from under Tandy’s head and drop a kiss on her shoulder before hunting down a pair of sweats I can drag on really fast. The last thing I want is for some idiot to wake Tandy when she needs to rest. I rush down the stairs and yank open the door only to find Tandy’s sister and brother-in-law standing on the other side.

“Where the hell is my sister, mother fucker?!”

The fact it wasn’t her sister that said it doesn’t make much difference when the guy pushes his way through the door and starts looking around like I might be hiding her.

“Keep your voice down.” Could I have stopped him from coming in? Yeah. Of course. But I understand how important these people are to Tandy, and I would never come between them or try to force her to choose between us. But he still needs to calm the fuck down and keep quiet so he doesn’t wake my girl up.