Page 103 of Candygrams

“Rip.” Her hips move under mine as she starts to feel her body waking up.

“And how you smell! I’ve been wanting to eat you up from the very beginning, sweetheart.” I run my nose down where her neck and shoulder meet and breathe her in. “And don’t even get me started on how you fucking taste. I’ve had nothing else on my mind since I got a taste when you woke up in my arms. I’m pretty sure you’re going to be the thing I crave more than anything else. I’ll need you all damned day until I can get you back on my tongue.”

She whimpers as I kiss down her shoulder and along her collarbone.

“But the sexiest thing about you is that beautiful brain of yours and your big heart. You could have kept me at arm’s length, but you didn’t. You took me in, became my friend, and helped me reach for more.”

I kiss down the swell of her breasts before pulling both straps down, so the neckline slips lower and those beautiful curves bounce free. I moan as I bury my face in the softness. She lets out a little yelp but doesn’t tell me to stop. In fact, she presses her body forward, arching her back off the bed, offering me more.

“Baby, don’t offer up these tempting treats if you don’t want me to take them.”

Our eyes meet and I wait for her to decide if this is what she wants, what she’s ready for.

Instead of answering me with words her hands come to the back of my head to pull me into her.

“Tandy, love…”

“Please. Please take away the ache.”

Oh god damn! How am I supposed to fight against that? How am I supposed to remember she needs to understand what all of this actually means, what’s really happening?

“Sweetheart, if I take you, sink deep into that sweet, little body, it’s going to be forever. I’m not going to be able to let you go. Do you understand? It would kill me to let you go.”


Her eyes search mine looking for the truth. So, I give it to her. “Because I love you, Tandy.”

Her soft gasp echoes through the quiet room.

“I…I love you too. I was never destroyed by the whole Roger thing. Annoyed, embarrassed, sad but not crushed. Not like I was with you when I thought you didn’t want me anymore. My heart broke and I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to recover.”

“I’ll fix it, sweetheart, and I’ll make sure you never doubt how I feel again. I will always want you, need you. By my side, in my bed, and always in my heart.”

“Rip, sometimes always doesn’t mean always.”

“For me, it does.” I rub my thumb over her stiff nipples. “And I think it means that for you too, sweetheart. This isn’t a game to me, it’s not something I’m saying so I can get between your legs only to turn around and leave you. I’m not going to tell you I love you while I’m fucking you and then forget I said it afterward. This isn’t something I am going to wake up and change my mind about. Not today, not tomorrow, not when we’re fifty or ninety and both of us are too old to fuck anymore…if that’s a thing. I’m pretty sure we could be one hundred and five and I’d still get a boner if you turned around and gave me one of those sexy looks you shoot me.”


“Yes, my love.”

“Will you stay with me...forever?”

“Abso-fucking-lutly.” I lean forward and take her mouth with mine as I pour all I can’t put into words into the kiss. “Forever, Tandy. Forever.”

I kiss her breathless, caressing her tongue with my own. I want her to realize with every kiss that I mean forever. I lower my head to trail my mouth down her neck and over her shoulders, leaving little love bites across her skin so everybody else will understand she belongs to me with just a glance. I finally run my mouth over the mounds of her breasts and take in the sound of her quick intake of breath, when my lips wrap around one of her tight peaks, like a thirsty man takes that first sip of water.

When I had my hands on her before it wasn’t enough. I wanted more. I wanted, no, needed this. I want to rejoice in how my sexy little tutor tastes, in how she moves when I touch her in places we both crave me to touch. But I want to learn what it will be like to sink into her, how it will feel to have her first thing in the morning, and the last thing I do before I close my eyes at night. I want to learn everything.

I flick my tongue over her hard peak while keeping my eyes on her face so I can read every thought, every feeling that goes across her face and lights those caramel eyes that have entrapped me so completely. I want to find out what she likes, what feels good, what she needs me to do next.

I swirl my tongue around her furled areola before sucking the berry-colored tip into my mouth. She arches up to me as I work the other nipple with my finger and thumb. I test out how hard I can squeeze and suck on the little ripe berries before she’s breathlessly crying out for me. How long I can play before she’s cupping the back of my head and holding me to her for more.

“Please, Rip, please.”

“Damn, you beg so fucking sweetly. A man could get used to hearing his name breathed out between little panted pleas like that, Tandy. But I’m the only man that will ever hear it.”

“Yes. The only one.”