Page 60 of Salacious Devotion

Andrew groaned. “At least the taxpayers won’t have to foot the bill for his trial and incarceration. I guess Paige is finally free to go on with her life.”

“Best news of the day,” I responded.

Andrew hesitated and then chuckled. “Whatever. Have a nice life, both of you.”

I hold her hand while I drive, trying to keep her calm. It’s impossible, though. She fidgets and stares out the window, quiet for most of the ride. Her pulse is increasing against my touch as we get closer.

By the time I pull into Alden Wilken’s driveway, she’s a ball of nerves.

I hurry to her side of the car to help her out, hoping her dad doesn’t come outside. This reunion needs to happen in his living room, not the front lawn.

When we reach the front door, I knock. Paige stands to the side where her dad won’t see her.

Alden opens the door, smiling. “So good to see you, Dane. Come in.” He holds the door wider.

I step inside and motion toward the couch. “I have some news that will be stressful. You should sit.”

Alden’s face falls. “What’s wrong?”

I point toward the couch. “Sit first, please.” I’m still standing in the open doorway.

“Okay, but you’re freaking me out.” Alden shuffles over to the sofa and sits.

I turn and take Paige’s hand.

She steps through the door and then rushes across the room to get to her father, taking a seat next to him.

His eyes are wide, and he looks like he might faint. That’s why I wanted him on the couch. He glances at me. “What…” His attention jerks back to Paige.

She grabs his hand. “It’s me, Dad.”

His jaw hangs open. He doesn’t make a single sound. Finally, he wipes his eyes and looks again, blinking. “You’re dead.”

I take a seat on the other side of her and wrap a hand around her hip.

She gives him a wan smile. “I’m not. The FBI faked my death because I saw the shooter.”

The blood drains from his face. He lifts a shaky hand to touch her cheek. “This can’t be happening. Am I dreaming?”

“I thought the same thing when I first saw her,” I say. “But it’s real. She’s been in witness protection.”

A sob escapes as Alden lowers his hand to her neck and curls his fingers around.

Paige wraps her arms around him and leans in to hug him tightly. “I’m so sorry, Dad. I had no other choice.”

The man starts crying. I can’t blame him. I’ve balled like a baby a few times in the past three weeks myself.

When he leans back, he grips her face and stares at her, eyes swollen, tears streaming, lips trembling. “You’re really here?”

“Yes.” She nods, sniffling.

“I have so many questions.”

“I know. We’ll tell you everything,” Paige says.

Instead of getting a hotel, we end up staying at Alden’s house. We’re still talking and catching up after midnight. Paige is exhausted from not getting enough sleep last night, and Alden insists we stay in the guest room.

I can tell he’s reluctant to let Paige out of his sight, and I know that feeling well. My pulse still races every time she leaves a room.