Page 51 of Salacious Devotion

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“I’m on the way. Give me an update,” I bark at JT as soon as I’m in my rental car. I’ve seen all the text communication between Paige and my men, but I want to know the most recent information.

We all have GPS on our phones, so I know exactly where JT and Brant are, and I quickly set my phone to get me to them.

“Your woman is fucking amazing,” JT tells me. “I don’t know anyone with her hacking skills.”

I smirk. I’m well aware. I don’t need anyone to tell me. And to think she feared it would take her a long time to catch up with technology. Pfft.

He clears his throat. “As you already know, Paige found him on camera at a rest stop and then thirty minutes ago at a fast-food restaurant. He’s moving west on 50. I expect he’ll stop for the night soon. We’ll scour the area and try to locate the car.”

“Thanks. I’ll catch up with you.” I hang up and call Paige. She answers in less than a second.


“Just got my rental car, baby. I’m heading to catch up with JT and Brant.”

“You know what infuriates me the most?” she nearly shouts.

“What’s that, baby?” I love it when she’s all riled up.

“I could have done this three years ago. It’s taken me less than a week to find Tombeck. I mean, obviously, you and your team have done most of the work, but I could have done this. All I would have needed was a computer. Oh, and I guess some manpower, which I didn’t have.” She’s rambling.

I can picture her pacing. I can’t blame her for feeling the way she does. She’s right. Of all the victims that could have lived that day, how was Paige—one of the best computer experts in the nation—the one who survived? And then how frustrating to find herself forbidden from helping the FBI do their job, her hands tied behind her back. I don’t know how she managed to keep from pulling all that blond hair out of her head. She could have reclaimed her life a long time ago if she hadn’t had her hands tied.

“Get him, Dane.”

I smile as I enter the highway. I know she’s scared, but her fierce determination is coming out fighting. She’s out for revenge now. That’s my girl. “I will, baby. I promise. I’m going to hang up and focus on the road now. You keep feeding us any information you find.”

“I’m on it. Be careful.”

“Always. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

My task is serious, but I can’t keep from smiling as I push the speed limit. Fuck, I love her. This shit has to end. She deserves to have her life back. We deserve to have a future together.

“Ugh,” Paige growls in frustration on the other end of the phone. It’s been four hours since she last spotted Tombeck. “Will you be pissed if I kick a hole in the wall?”

I chuckle. “No, but your foot will hurt, and injuring yourself won’t change anything. There’s no need to panic. He’s probably stopped at a diner or someplace that has no surveillance cameras. I bet he’s bedding down for the night. Based on the time and location you last saw him, as well as the fact that he clearly takes his sweet time when fleeing a crime scene, I’m speculating where he is. I’m heading a few hours past there so that when you find him tomorrow morning, I’ll hopefully be ahead of him instead of behind.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“JT and Brant are splitting up. JT is going to stop near where we’re estimating Tombeck would have stopped. Brant is going to continue on a few hours in front of me.”

“We can’t even know for sure he didn’t turn off that highway. Maybe he went another direction.”

“That’s always a possibility.”

“I’m going to check the footage from every hotel and motel with cameras in a one-hour radius.”

“Okay, but you need to sleep, too. Don’t stay up all night, Paige,” I order.

I can hear her smirk. “You think I can sleep in that big bed without you?” she grumbles.


“Dane…” she responds, mocking me. “If you don’t like my methods, you can spank me when you get home, but I’m going to find that fucker, and you’re going to catch him. This is the best lead yet.”