Four hours later, we’re in our home office, both of us at our desks.
I’ve been on the phone with JT and Brant twice already. We have a lead in Colorado. They both headed to Colorado Springs a few hours ago. It feels like a long shot, but every lead feels like a long shot.
“Dane?” Paige says from a few feet away.
“Yeah, baby?” I turn to look at her, expecting her to tell me she needs more coffee or she’s ready for lunch. Or, hell, knowing my girl, I might find her sitting behind me naked, wanting more than coffee or lunch.
Instead, she’s focused intently on her computer. “You should see this.”
I quickly roll my chair over next to hers. “What is it?” She has surpassed even my expectations in the past week. She’s not only caught up on technology, but I’m sure she now knows more than anyone in my office.
She pulls up a surveillance camera for a convenience store in rural Colorado and zooms in on the man at the checkout. Her voice cracks when she speaks. “That’s him.”
My breath hitches as I lean in closer. She would know better than any of us. She’s the only one who saw him in person. The rest of us only have pictures and sketches. Artists’ renderings of what he could possibly look like today under various circumstances. Long hair, short hair, beard, no beard, mustache, no mustache. Every combination.
I don’t ask her if she’s sure. That would be insulting. “When was this taken?”
“Two hours ago, outside of Pueblo, Colorado.”
“Where that robbery took place yesterday…” This is the kind of hit we’ve been searching for. The profile we have for Tombeck indicates the man is an equal-opportunity thief. He robs every sort of establishment, from banks to restaurants to dental offices. We’ve been watching for his face to show up in or around any robbery that takes place. It’s tedious work since there are robberies every fucking day all over the country.
I grab my phone and call JT.
“I’m sending you the location where Tombeck was last seen. Maybe he has a motel in the area, or he’s heading out of town away from Pueblo in that direction. I’ll see if I can get?—”
“I have the car and the plates,” Paige interrupts, answering my question before I’ve had a chance to ask it.
I jump to my feet because that’s huge. I’m going to have to get my ass to Colorado. “Paige will send the plates, make, and model. I’m on my way.” I end the call.
Paige jumps to her feet. “Dane…”
I grab her around the waist and kiss her soundly before rushing from the room. I know she’s stressed. She hates the idea of me going after Tombeck.
She follows me into the bedroom.
I grab my already packed to-go bag and swing it over my shoulder. I always have a duffel ready. Taking her hand so she doesn’t feel like I’m ignoring her, I tug her back into the office, where I slide my computer into the sheath and zip it up.
There is no time to hesitate. I cup her face and meet her gaze. “Be strong for me, baby. I’ll be back before you know it. Stay in touch with JT and Brant. Use the group chat.”
She inhales slowly. “I hate this.”
“I know.” I kiss her forehead. “Can you get me on the next flight to Colorado Springs while I’m driving?”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too. You better fucking come back, Dane. I won’t accept a body bag, and I don’t want to visit you in prison.”
“I promise, baby.” One more kiss and I turn to jog out of the office, heading for the elevator. I have a good feeling this time. I think this lead is strong. After all, this is the first time Paige has positively ID’d Tombeck.
I’ll be damned if I’m going to let the authorities know we’re onto him. Not yet, anyway. I don’t want to risk them fucking anything up. I want Tombeck out of the picture. There is only one way to ensure he is no longer a threat to my woman.
Chapter 18