Page 48 of Salacious Devotion

I pull out a folder that contains ticket stubs from every movie, concert, and play we went to. There are also some ribbons and medals I’d earned as a child. He saved my diplomas, including the one that had not yet arrived when I died. That one makes my breath hitch.

It’s a wonder I can even see through all the tears by the time I get to the bottom. There’s one more item I almost missed. A small square jewelry box that I don’t recall.

When I open it, I frown. I don’t remember this at all. And then I gasp and cover my mouth with my other hand as I jerk my gaze to Dane. He’s crying as he pushes to sitting and pulls me onto his lap. “I forgot I tossed that in there.”

I sob harder. When will I stop crying every day? When will the pain ease? When will every little thing stop setting me off?

We’ve lost so much. We would have been married. We would probably have a kid by now. Instead, we both suffered so much pain.

My hand is shaking as I look down at the gorgeous diamond solitaire my man had intended to give me the night I died.

Dane slowly snaps the box closed and sets it on the nightstand. “I’ll get you a different one someday soon.”

I glance at the jewelry box. “Why would you do that? You picked it out for me. I want that one.”

“Because I have a fuckton more money than I had three years ago. I can afford better. And that ring has odd vibes. It will always remind us of that day.”

I shake my head and turn so that I’m straddling Dane. I grab his shoulders. “That ring represents exactly how you felt that day. It’s filled with hope and promise. It will always serve as a reminder that we found our way back to each other. That we overcame our loss. I don’t want a different ring. I want to wear that one until the day I die.”

He cups my face, his fingers threading in my hair. Blond strands hang in front of my eyes. It’s been six weeks since I last dyed it. It’s starting to grow out. I probably look ridiculous, but Dane hasn’t said a word. I don’t think he’s overly fond of the blond anyway.

He meets my gaze. “Okay, baby. When this is over, I’ll get down on one knee and ask you to marry me properly. We’ll keep this ring if it means that much to you.”

I flinch.

He frowns. “What’s wrong?”

“When this is over? Dane, this might not ever be over. We might not ever be able to marry properly. Do you have any doubts about marrying me?”

He jerks. “Fuck no, baby. Never. You’re mine until the end of time. Even after death, you’ll still be mine. You were mine while I thought you were dead, and you’ll be mine long after we’re both gone from this Earth.”

I glance toward the nightstand. “Then give me the ring, Dane.”

He slowly smiles. “Okay, baby.” He twists around, snags it from the nightstand, and opens the box.

This has to be the most unusual proposal ever. He’s wearing boxer briefs. I’m wearing one of his T-shirts with an old sweatshirt over it. My hair is a wild mess. We’ve been crying. My face feels tight and warm.

It couldn’t be more perfect.

Dane’s fingers shake as he takes the ring out of the box. “Paige Wilken, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

He slides the ring on my finger, and I immediately topple us so that I’m straddling him as I lean over and kiss him. Fuck, I love this man. We’ve lost so much, and we are so very fucking lucky at the same time.

Chapter 17


* * *

We didn’t fall back to sleep until the sun was coming up. I’m still holding her in my arms a few hours later when I open my eyes.

Paige is holding her hand in the air and staring at the ring I put on her finger in the middle of the night. She’s grinning. It’s a nice look. We’ve done a lot of crying in the past few weeks.

She looks at me. “I think we should stop being sad and miserable about the past and start laughing and smiling and feeling lucky about the future.”

I smile back at her. “Okay, baby.” I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her fingers. I glance at the box we set on the floor in the night. “I hope the things I saved for you can bring you peace and make you feel like you have some of your past back.”