She fidgets. The idea clearly appeals to her. “I could live with both of those as long as you also give me an orgasm and then fuck me so hard my teeth rattle.”
I laugh a little. This is the oddest negotiation I’ve ever had for a scene. She and I never hashed out our plans in this fashion. We also never did anything as hardcore as a ball gag. I have one in the house because I’m the Boy Scout of Doms, but I’ve never used it.
“That’s a lot of toys, Paige. Are you sure you want to jump in so fast?”
“Yes. I’ve been numb for three years. Numb and repressed. I want to feel, Dane. The night we reunited two weeks ago was the first time I’ve flown out of my skin like that since we were last together. I want to hurt. I want to cry. I want to scream.” She glances around. “Can I do that here? Scream?”
“Yes. Not a soul will hear you inside this apartment.”
“Then make me scream, Dane.”
I hold out a hand. “Come, baby.”
Without hesitation, she rushes over to me and sets her hand in mine.
I pull her into my arms again and cup her face. “I’ll dominate you if it’s what you need, baby.”
“It is. It’s like my skin is crawling. It has been ever since you dominated me two weeks ago. It’s like everything came back to the surface and I remembered how good it feels. I’d blocked that side of me. I had no outlet for it, so I pretended I didn’t need it.”
I take her hand. “Let me show you the safe room.”
“Do I need more of a tour tonight?”
“Oh, yes. I think you do.” I guide her back into the master bedroom and across to the opposite wall.
She looks around. “You pointed in this direction earlier, but I don’t see a room.”
“That’s the point. It wouldn’t be very safe if it had a door and a knob.” I reach the bookshelf. Normally a bookshelf would be too obvious and cliché, but not this one because it’s too short. We’ll both have to duck to get into the room.
I reach for the fourth book from the top right and pull it forward as though I’m selecting it. There’s a snick just before the shelf swings outward.
“Wow. That’s intense.”
I set my hand on the small of her back and encourage her forward. “Watch your head.”
She ducks as she enters. “Holy shit, Dane.”
I follow behind and grab the rope on the other side to pull the door closed. The automatic lights came on as soon as I opened it.
Paige stands in the small room, eyes wide. “Are you just trying to hide your massive stash of fetish equipment? Or does this room actually function as a safe room?”
I smile. “It’s both. I figure why not have it be filled with toys?” I take her shoulders and turn her. “See the rope on the back of the door we just came through?”
“When you enter, pull that tight until the wall is flush. You’ll hear it click into place.” I gesture toward the enormous, reinforced bar next. “Lower the bar over the latch. No one will be able to get in from the other side.”
“Including you.”
“Including me.”
She frowns. “What if I had to come in here while you weren’t at home? How would I know you were on the other side?”
Next, I guide her to the chest of drawers and open the top drawer. “There are two burner phones in here. They’re plugged in through the back of the drawer at all times.” I point out everything else. “Flashlights. Batteries. A laptop. Protein bars. Water bottles.”
“You’re like a survivalist in the mountains.”
“The penthouse is kind of high. Does it count as a mountain?”