“We’ll be here. I’ll let JT know.” Brant gives Paige a wave and steps back into the elevator.
I grab Paige’s hand and tug her through the penthouse, pointing out various rooms as we go. I’m moving fast, though, because I don’t give a fuck about showing her around. “Kitchen, living room, dining room, gym, office, bathroom, guest room, our bedroom.” As soon as we’re in the bedroom, I kick the door shut and lock it. I nod across the room. “Safe room.”
She’s giggling as I haul her into my arms again. “Was that supposed to be a tour?”
I grunt. “If you want a better tour, you can give yourself one tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll recognize the kitchen when you find it. I bet you know what a bathroom is, too.”
She keeps giggling. God, I missed that sound. “I’m here,” she murmurs.
“Longest fourteen days of my life.”
She slides her palms up my chest. “I bet they weren’t.”
I inhale sharply and rest my forehead against hers. “No. You’re right. They followed the longest three years of my life.”
“One night together wasn’t enough,” she says, her voice full of emotion.
“No. I want all the rest of your nights.”
“I hope I can live up to your expectations.”
I smooth my hands down to cup her ass. “Baby, don’t say shit like that. Just be you. I already love you the way you are.”
“You can’t know that for sure. What if I’m not the same woman?”
“You are.”
“I’m not, though. I’m jaded. I’ve been depressed since I had to leave. I’m not sure I remember how to smile or laugh.”
“But you’ve been smiling and laughing since you walked into the penthouse.”
She bites her lip and shrugs. She nods toward the door. “You locked the door. Is anyone else here?”
“No. I just like it locked. No one will come here who isn’t specifically invited until I’m certain Tombeck can’t get to you.”
She releases me and takes a few steps back before wandering slowly around the bedroom. “About that…” She trails her fingers along the comforter on the bed and moves toward the bathroom. She disappears inside.
I follow her and lean against the frame. “What were you going to say, baby?”
She faces me. “I don’t want you to go after him.”
I frown. “Why?”
“Because it’s too dangerous. I watched that man mow down an entire room of people. He didn’t even care that he killed his own comrade.”
“If he ever found out you were alive…”
“He won’t. I’ll be careful. I’ll keep my new identity. He thinks I’m dead. Why would he be looking for me?”
“Hardened criminals like him have ways of discovering things, Paige. He knows it’s life or death for him. There’s always a chance he saw you being taken away from that bank in an ambulance.”
“The FBI said many people were removed in ambulances. Even though they knew everyone but me was dead, they pretended to try and save six people to throw off the gunman in case he watched the news.”
“Smart, but still not foolproof.”
“It’s so unlikely, Dane.” She straightens her spine. “I don’t want you to get killed, and I don’t want his death on your conscience.”
“I wouldn’t lose a moment’s rest if I shot him in the face at point-blank range, Paige,” I tell her honestly.