Paige sits in the corner of the loveseat, knees pulled up to her chin, biting one of her nails, or at least holding it between her teeth. Her hair is such a strange color to me that I do a double-take every time I look at her. She hasn’t put her contacts in, so her brown eyes look right, but the blond is hard to get used to.
She’s wearing yoga pants and a tank top. Her breasts are larger than Faye’s, so she didn’t put on the sports bra Easton brought over. I’m not complaining. I like this look better.
Luckily, I have a laptop with me because I came straight here after work last night.
“Ready?” I ask after I open my laptop at the small table and connect to the internet.
She sighs. “No. He’s not going to like this.”
“It’s done, though. It’s no one’s fault. It happened. Now we have to deal with the consequences.”
She drops her legs to the floor and stands, shuffling toward me as if she’s eight and I’ve asked her to take out the trash during her favorite television show. It makes me chuckle.
When she’s close enough, I scoot my chair back and pull her between my legs. I kiss her lips and then lower my face to her breasts to nuzzle them. “Put on a sweatshirt before we get on the call. I’m not sharing your nipples with a US Marshal.”
She giggles. “So jealous.”
“Yep.” I reach over and snag one of the oversized sweatshirts Faye sent that’s now draped over the back of the other chair.
Paige is fighting laughter when I pull it over her head. “Maybe you could also knock out one of my front teeth and make me less attractive. I’m sure my sixty-year-old, gay handler has been jonesing for a piece of me for the past three years. I’m quite the catch, you know. I work for a florist and live in a small apartment. I’m like a lonely cat lady, except I don’t even have a cat.”
I laugh. “The sweatshirt stays.”
She wraps her arms around my neck. “As long as I get to keep the Dom. I’ve missed you.”
I hug her so tightly it must hurt, but she doesn’t complain. “Place the call.”
She picks up her burner phone and taps the screen. She’s close enough to my ear that I can hear him answer on the second ring. “Hello?”
“Andrew, it’s Paige…I mean Shannon. There’s been an unexpected change in my life. Can you jump on a video chat? I’ll text you the secure link.”
His breath hitches. “How the hell do you have access to a secure link?”
“Trust me. I do.”
“Okay, but I don’t like it. Send me the deets.” He ends the call.
Paige hands me the phone so I can enter the link in the texting app.
I pull the second chair up next to mine so she can lean in close, keeping us both on the screen.
It takes a few minutes, and then the call comes in through the computer, and I answer it to see that Paige is correct. This is a sixty-something guy. Gay or not, I have no idea. Dark skin, brows deeply furrowed.
I start, “Andrew, this is Dane Levitt, Paige’s boyfriend.”
Andrew’s eyes narrow further. His mouth opens. I’m sure he’s wondering why the fuck Paige would tell anyone her real name or about the fact that she’s in witness protection.
I head him off with more information before he can speak a word. “From three years ago. Until last night, I thought she was dead. Your people are good.” I give him a slight grin. Hopefully, the compliment will endear the man to me somewhat. “We coincidentally ran into each other last night.”
Andrew blinks and then wipes a hand down his face and groans. I don’t blame him.
“Here’s the thing,” I continue. “I own a security company. Levitt Security, in fact. I’m well-respected in the industry right here in Seattle. I even work with some folks with the US Marshals. The problem is I want Paige in my care now.”
Andrew seemed to relax slightly during the first part of my speech, but now he stiffens. “It’s not that simple.”
“No. It’s not. But there are no other options.” I’m not asking permission.
Andrew closes his eyes for a moment. “Where are you now?”