Page 26 of Salacious Devotion

We turn toward the coffee next. There’s a pile of creamer and sweeteners in the middle of the drink holder. The other two beverages are apple juice and orange juice. I’m grateful. I could use the sugar.

In fact, I twist the lid off the orange juice and take a long drink. When I set it down, Dane hands me the perfect cup of coffee, just how I like it. His memory is impeccable. I moan around the first sip.

I eye the bag of food. “Maybe we should also eat first. I’m suddenly hungry.” After pulling out a chair, I sit and tear into the bag. “How many women did he think you were harboring?” I joke. There are four breakfast sandwiches.

Dane sits in the other chair and picks one up. “I’m sure he was being thorough. He didn’t know what you would like.”

I open a random one and take a huge bite. As I chew and swallow, I meet Dane’s gaze. He’s grinning. “What?” I ask before taking another bite.

“Easton has no idea my girl will eat just about anything. Nor does he know how hard my cock gets when I watch you enjoy your food.”

I shrug. “Starving,” I mutter.

He carefully reaches for one of the other sandwiches. “Will I get injured if I claim one?” he teases.

I swat at him. “Maybe.”

We stare at each other while we devour our food. It’s so surreal. I can’t imagine what we’re going to do next, but I can’t worry about that now. I’m focused on watching Dane eat, the muscles in his arms, his pecs, his messy morning hair, his full lips, the shadow of a beard he always wakes up with, the intensity in his gaze.

When I’m done with the sandwich, I down the rest of the orange juice and sip the coffee again. I feel more human, but I’m also fucking scared.

Dane tosses our wrappers in the trash, puts the two remaining sandwiches in the minifridge, and pulls me off my seat and into his arms. He smooths my hair back from my face. “Hey, we’re going to figure this out.”

I nod. I don’t know how the fuck we’re going to do this, but we have to come up with a plan.

Chapter 9


* * *

I know Paige is nervous. I can’t blame her. I am, too. But we aren’t going to be operating in a vacuum. After we both call in sick, we’ll get ahold of her handler and arrange a video call. He needs to understand how I feel and what I will and won’t consent to. I know he won’t initially be pleased with my thinking, but I’ll make sure he comes around.

I lead Paige into the bathroom. It’s not big. It’s not meant to be luxurious. It doesn’t even have a tub. It’s got a small shower stall that we don’t fit in at the same time, but we’re going to anyway.

After reaching in to turn the water on, I pull Paige’s shirt over her head and remove my briefs. She grabs her toothbrush, so I follow suit. A minute later, we’re stepping into the confined space.

She giggles. “We could take turns. There’s not enough room to breathe in here.”

“Breathing is overrated. We’re not taking turns.” I position her head under the spray and then grab the shampoo I keep here. “You know what the worst part about this shower is?”

“Hmm?” The small sound comes from her while I rub her scalp.

“This is going to erase the scent you use. That burnt-vanilla one. I’ve missed that so much.”

“How the hell do you remember the shampoo I use?”

A few seconds tick by before I say, “I bought several brands of it after you…died. I wanted my pillows to smell like you. It was never quite right.”

She turns around and wraps her arms around me. “I’m so sorry, Dane.”

I hold her close. “I know, baby. It’s in the past now. We’re moving forward.” I kiss the top of her head and grab the conditioner. After washing her from head to toe, taking my time with her breasts and pussy, she grabs the soap out of my palm and returns the favor, starting with my shoulders.

By the time we’re clean, dry, fed, clothed, and caffeinated, it’s time to call in sick. Paige goes first. It’s painless. Her boss is understanding.

No one in my office is going to buy my story for long, plus I am the boss. I call the highest-level guy who works for me: JT Masterson. I lay it on thick, telling him I’ve been vomiting all night and I’m working from home. I won’t be able to put JT off for long or keep him out of the loop because he knows Paige. So does Brant.

I call my cleaning service next and put them on hold indefinitely.