I wrap her fingers around the handle of my gun before yanking a knife from my belt holster and cutting the ropes around her ankles in case she needs to run.
As the men recover from their bowling alley stunt, SUVs roll up and surround the group. I grab Emma’s wrist ropes to cut them but freeze when Seppi’s voice rings out above the din.
“Move any closer andla puttanadies. Except for you,mio fratelloand the worthlessfigayou betrayed me over. You two, toss your weapons to one side and come out the other.”
Emma swallows and clenches her fingers around my gun. Her pulse pounds in her jugular. The terror and determination in her eyes as she meets my stare threatens to melt my soul. I cut her ropes and toss the knife aside. As it skitters over the tarmac, I cup her face and run my thumb over her dry cheek, silently encouraging her to remain strong and praising her for being so resilient.
I close my fist around the barrel of my pistol. She reluctantly opens her hand. I unload the magazine and eject the bullet in the chamber before I toss the bundle toward my knife, unwilling to throw a loaded weapon with my wife and child so close.
“I’m nostronzo. All your weapons,mio fratello,” Seppi demands.
I shrug out of my jacket and reach for the buckle of my chest harness. As I unclip and remove the weapon-laden item from my body, Emma reaches up and frames my face with her delicate yet powerful hands.
“I love you,” she whispers.
I toss the harness, grab her nape, and kiss her with the desperation of a dying man, but pull back before Seppi loses patience.
“Don’t give up,mia caramellina,” I snarl.
She pulls the pistol from the holster at the small of my back and unloads it as she speaks.
“I’m not, but I couldn’t let another second pass without telling you. I couldn’t face going out there without saying the words.” She tosses the handgun and drops to her knees. Lust roars through my veins, but I brace my forearms on the back of the stairs and pray for control as she slips the knives from my ankle straps and throws them onto the growing pile.
“Say it back,mio marito.”
Despite the harshness of her tone, she aims pleading eyes up at me.
I pull her to her feet and wrap my arms around her.
“I love you and can’t wait to watch your belly grow, so no more crazy stunts.Capisci?” I whisper against her lips.
Her mouth shifts against mine as she smirks, but her bottom lip trembles.
I chance a quick, reassuring kiss before stepping in the opposite direction as my discarded weapons and tugging Emma behind me so my bulk shields her.
Seven years ago, my older brother by eight years, Seppi Capito, seemed like an unstoppable force with his dark features and evil plans, but the stress lines bracketing his brow and the bitterness shining from his eyes make him seem no better than the fools I tortured over the past few weeks. If I were alone in a room with him, I could make him break.
Except we aren’t alone in a room. Katherine’s expression twists with pain and terror as he presses the muzzle of his gun harder against her temple. Emma stiffens behind me. Fury wafts from her. I squeeze her hand.
Dozens of men, from both Nico Russo and Giorgio Vivaldi, form a circle around the entire plane. They stand behind either their vehicles or their car doors with their weapons ready, but no one dares move with the mania emanating from Seppi.
“Get over here,” my brother snarls.
I step forward. He waits until we’re in the circle of his goons to tell me to stop.
“Hands up where I can see them and turn to face the plane,” he demands.
I can’t force myself to let go of Emma’s hand, so I lift our intertwined fingers and pivot us around to face the side of the plane.
When Katherine gasps and shuffles forward, Emma’s fingers clamp down on my hand so hard her knuckles turn white. I accept the pain, willing to take so much more if she needs me to.
Seppi turns and ascends the steps backward, yanking Katherine up by her throat with his muzzle still pressed to her temple.
Emma and Katherine’s eyes meet, and I struggle to contain the rage boiling in my chest.
When Seppi continues through the plane door until Katherine’s toes hang over the threshold, Emma’s ragged breathing fills me with concern. Her glance relays her fear.
If he shuts the door, we’ll most likely never see Katherine alive again.