I cup the back of her hand with mine and place her phone, ID, and my credit card on her palm and wrap her fingers around them before she can balk. She slips them into her purse and turns toward the front door.
I tuck her against my side and request they deliver the rest of our belongings to Mia’s apartment. A muscle ticks in her jaw when I rattle off her address without looking it up.
After a few blocks, her gait changes, so I shorten my stride and study her feet. They seem fine, but the lines bracketing her eyes prove she’s in pain.
“I’m fine. If you pick me up in the middle of the busy sidewalk, I’m going to stick my finger down my throat and vomit all over you.”
Good goddamn, my woman is vicious.
I wouldn’t have her any other way.
Although it isn’t a dangerous threat, it’s potent. She’d rather earn my ire and ruin my attempts at a nice ceremony than have me carry her down a busy street.
I pull her tighter against my side, shielding her from several people speed walking with their phones in their faces, and continue to protect her through rush hour traffic.
She falls silent when I guide her into a jewelry store, and despite my pride telling me to buy the biggest rock they have, I purchase a simple set of bands. The lady behind the counter measures our fingers and retrieves my order, and in less than ten minutes, we leave the store without even trying a single ring on.
When I open the door to a suite of businesses, Mia gives me a suspicious side eye, but I guide her to the elevators and through the hall to Mrs. Tamsin’s office, the lawyer who performed all of Giorgio and Aurora’s legal proceedings for their union.
Within minutes of walking in the door, we finish signing the necessary documents and stand in front of the wall of windows to exchange rings. I slip the simple gold ring onto her finger and marvel at how delicate her hand looks in mine.
“Never take this off.Capisci, mia caramellina?” I demand.
She swallows and blinks before meeting my stare.
“And if you ever find a new profession, I’ll buy you a bigger ring. Something flashy. The biggest rock in New York City. Whatever you want.”
Her eyes turn shimmery, but no tears form on her lashes. She gnaws on her bottom lip for a moment before taking a deep breath. I watch in stunned awe as she pulls her defenses around herself again.
“You chose this ring just so you could tell me to never take it off, didn’t you? You’re such a controlling jerk, you know that, right?” she says.
I smirk and bite back a groan as her delectable lip trembles.
She works my ring over my knuckle, the gold in stark contrast with my tattoos, and by the time I finish devouring her mouth, Mrs. Tamsin returns with our marriage license.
With our names locked together in legal matrimony and our lives forever entangled, I drape my arm over her shoulders and ferry her out of the office.
Once I sort this shit with Narciso, I’ll introduce my wife to the boss, boss lady, and her kid brother. If she hasn’t already by then, she’ll fall for me when she sees I’ve chosen to serve a trustworthy family.
Then we’ll have a proper wedding ceremony. I’ll show her off to the entire world. Everyone will know she belongs to me.
I can’t wait to see her curves in a white gown. Peeling the fabric off her will be even more fun.
My mouth waters. Mia crosses her arms over her chest and looks everywhere except at me as we walk with my arm over her shoulders and our sides plastered together, but even her profile turns me on.
The feisty, stubborn woman has stolen my heart.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
She’s the only woman strong enough to survive the dangers inherent in my lifestyle. No matter what happens, I vow to protect, cherish, and pamper her for the rest of our lives.
Chapter 13
Emma Lanza
Fiero Capito must either bethe most talented actor on the planet, the biggest manipulator known to womankind, or the sweetest thug in existence, but I have no clue which is true.
I don’t want to believe he can be decent, but ever since he kidnapped me and didn’t immediately brutalize me, my mind keeps subconsciously looking for signs he has a moral code. Just when I think he’s the worst man in the galaxy, he stands firm in his own beliefs and wrecks my assumptions.