Page 78 of Twisted Vows

Mia caramellina.




Emma Lanza

The lump in my throatrefuses to go away no matter how many times I swallow, but I’ve cried more in the last two weeks since discovering my pregnancy than I have in my entire life, so I swallow again and stop on the side of the path, needing a few moments alone as I soak in the beautiful view. The city looks so clean and shimmery this far away, and the contrast between metal buildings and lush green grass is dazzling.

In the public section of the park on one side of the hill, children squeal and dogs bark as families enjoy the sunny day. On the other side, with the city as the backdrop, a small platform, an altar, and white folding chairs create a simple yet stunning wedding venue.

I glance down at my slightly rounded belly, which is hardly noticeable at eleven weeks pregnant with my curves, and smile.

Fate has already tied Fiero and me together in so many ways. It’s ironic how I ran so hard and long to escape the mafia lifestyle only to end up loving and needing the most ruthless and trustworthy consigliere in New York City. Without him, I’d still be stuck in a life of anger, fear, and guilt, but now I have hope, joy, and a support system stronger than I ever thought possible.

Because of him, I have a family.

Aurora notices me and ends her chat with the wedding coordinator. After meeting Giorgio’s eyes across the venue and getting a nod from him, she rushes up the hill toward me.

When she wraps me in a hug, I swallow the damned indestructible lump at the base of my throat and close my eyes, savoring both her gesture of kinship and her thin yet strong body pressed against mine. I don’t know how she knows I need the physical touch to ground me, but I lift my arms and give her a thankful squeeze.

Tristan’s exasperated voice breaks the moment.

“Ari, you’re not supposed to makeZiaEmma cry,” he admonishes.

My watery laugh steals the truth from my denial. As we pull away from each other, both Aurora and I wipe tears from our cheeks.

Shetsksand flicks the liquid off her fingers.

“I knew doing my makeup this early was stupid, but I couldn’t help it.” She notices my clothes for the first time and smirks. “Fiero was right. You showed up in scrubs.”

I shrug and point to the duffle at my feet.

“My relief came late, so I didn’t want to waste time with street clothes, but I don’t need much prep time. We still have two hours,” I say.

She rolls her eyes and slips her arm through mine.

“Where’s Katherine?” she asks.

“She forgot something in the car; I just stopped to enjoy the view while I wait for her,” I say.

“The first time we met was at my indoor garden wedding, wasn’t it?” Aurora reflects.

I nod and say, “I caught your bouquet.”

“So the superstition is true? That’s terrifying.” She shivers in mock fear before asking Tristan to carry my duffle. He takes thebag before I can grab it and darts toward the lodge but stops a few feet away, turns back around, and gives me a half hug.

With Aurora on one side and Tristan on the other, I hug the duo of siblings and wonder how such amazing people can rise from such horrible parents.

“I’m gladZioFiero has you for when I’m busy with school, and I’m sorry I wasn’t nice to you when we first met. When I get married, I want you to come to my wedding and support my bride.Capisci, ZiaEmma?”

Emotions clog my throat. I nod.

“What was that about not making the bride cry?” Aurora chuckles.

She ruffles his hair behind my back and thanks him for me before urging him ahead of us.