After chugging the entire bottle of juice, I tuck her under my arm and avoid putting my weight on her despite my limp until she huffs in annoyance and moves to my other side.
“Lean on me,stronzo, or we’ll never get home,” she snarls.
Home sounds pretty fucking good right now, so I forgive her insulting tone and accept her help as we exit through the front doors and step onto the sidewalk. I push my pain and dizziness away and sharpen my senses, refusing to risk my wife’s safety if we’re attacked on the streets.
By the time we make it through the front door of our apartment, a sheen of sweat covers us both and our breaths emerge ragged and choppy from exertion. She stops me from sitting to take off my shoes and instead ushers me down the hall and into the bathroom. After shutting and locking the door behind us, she lowers me onto the closed toilet seat like I’m a geriatric old man. I humor her, coveting her concern.
She turns on the shower and adjusts the temperature before returning to me and pushing my jacket off my shoulders. With practiced ease, she removes my pistols from their holsters and unloads all but one. She leaves the loaded handgun on the shelfnearest the shower, so it’s in easy reach no matter where we are in the room.
As she unbuckles my chest harness, I steal a quick kiss on her forehead. She stills and meets my gaze.
“I’m sorry, Fiero,” she says.
I study her eyes before asking, “Why?”
“I killed Narciso before you could get what you needed from him,” she says.
I sigh and wrap my fingers around her nape.
“It’s not your fault, but if it’ll make you feel better, I can punish you until you forget everything except who you belong to.”
Maybe I meant to say it in jest, but the hunger in my voice betrays me. When interest sparks in her eyes and her breath catches, I smirk and rub my thumb over her bottom lip.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” I say.
When she doesn’t argue, depraved visions flood my thoughts, but she plasters her palm over my lips and blocks my kiss.
“Shower and treatment first. I can’t have my husband bleeding out on me.Capisci?” she says with a quirked brow.
A devious smile lifts my lips. I lick her palm and relish her sharp inhale as lust liquifies her eyes.
She scowls and moves her hand down to clamp her fingers around my jaw.
My cock hardens so fast my head spins. She’s the only one I’d allow to manhandle me, and her willingness to bear my retaliation is such a turn on I struggle to breathe.
“Behave yourself,mio marito, or you’ll be too tired to follow through with your threat by the time I finish bandaging you up.”
By the feral gleam in her eyes, she means it, so I sit quietly like her life-sized doll as she undresses me. After hanging mychest harness on an empty hook by the door, she tugs my shirt over my head and frowns as she studies the new gash on my arm.
“Another scar to add to the collection hidden under all your tattoos. Why do you live like this, Fiero?” she asks.
“Because some things are worth the pain,mia caramellina,” I answer without hesitation.
When her pupils shrink and she swallows, I know she reads my message loud and clear.
She’s worth it. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect her, and after tonight, I wonder if she feels the same about me. Even as the lingering terror sours my gut, I can’t help but think she looked glorious as she threw that chair and went apeshit on Narciso.
For me. She killed him to protect me.
My heart skips a beat as she traces her finger around the oozing gash on my arm. With every demanding tug as she strips us both and leads me into the shower, every sensual glide of the washcloth as she cleans my entire body, every careful stroke of the towel as she dries me, and every skilled touch as she treats and bandages my wounds, she silently vows to love and test me for the rest of our lives.
And when she wakes me in the middle of the night, initiating sex for the first time, I worship her like the goddess she is.
She rules my world. Owns my soul. Controls my future.
Without her, I’m nothing. She’s mine. My wife. My soulmate.Mia caramellina.
And I’m hers. Forever.