Page 4 of Twisted Vows

Although she says the words playfully, sincerity shines from her gorgeous green eyes. With striking features and sleek, raven hair, she’s perfect model material, but she’d hate the spotlight. She always has and always will.

“You know me, right?” I scoff. “I’m too stubborn to die from a nosebleed, so don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me.”

I sound so nasally and ridiculous with my nose pinched. Amusement replaces the fear lingering in my sister’s expression.

She’s less than two years younger than me, but all I see when I look at her is the innocent girl cowering behind my mother’s skirts when we were younger. I wouldn’t wish our upbringingon anyone, but it was especially cruel for someone with such a gentle soul as hers. I wish I could go back in time and free her from our family earlier.

Unwilling to slip deeper into my depressing thoughts, I check the time on my phone and grimace.

“You’re such a liar,” Katherine chuckles.

“What?” I ask.

“I’m stuck with you unless it’s time for work. Which, of course, it always is, isn’t it?” she sighs, but there’s no heat in her complaint.

“Nuh-uh, I don’t have to leave for another thirty minutes,” I say.

She huffs and throws her hands in the air.

“Great, that means I woke you up early! I’m the worst sisterever.”

With her sweet voice lilting through the air, she glides out of my room, snags a takeout bag off the counter, and plops it onto the bed beside me. My mouth waters and stomach rumbles. Even with my sinuses full of blood, the delicious smells wafting from the bag awaken my hunger.

“I think you mean thebestsister ever,” I say as I shove my hand into the takeout bag and shovel a handful of fries into my mouth.

She offers me a dazzling smile and shakes her head.

“Nope. The title of best sister belongs to you. Besides, I’m just buttering you up so you won’t forget about me over the long weekend.”

Right. She’s going on a trip with her college buddies.

We’re not kids anymore. She’s twenty-three years old and is always careful. She never takes chances with her safety. I trust her.

It’s the rest of the world I hold a grudge against.

I swallow my misgivings and shove another handful of fries in my mouth with a happy groan.

“Promise you’ll bring me another burger when you get back, and I’ll forgive you for abandoning me,” I mumble around my mouthful.

She laughs and shakes her head in faux admonishment as she turns and waltzes into the living room.

“Deal!” she calls over her shoulder before disappearing into her room.

Her happiness fills the shabby apartment, and for a moment, everything feels okay.

My smile slowly fades away and the fries lose their flavor as I recall last night’s incident. Even if I never see that man again, it’s too dangerous to keep working there.

He was definitely a prominent figure in the local mafia. Someone was chasing him, which means they’ll probably visit the hospital, too.

I escaped the mafia lifestyle seven years ago. I can’t go back. Ever.

As soon as I clock in to work, I’ll request a transfer. It doesn’t matter where they send me. Anywhere will be safer than staying where I am.

I can’t tell my sister either. The less she knows, the better. She’s finally settled into a happy routine. She has friends, a job, and can dream of a promising future for the first time in her life. I can’t bring myself to dampen her joy.

I scoot back against the headboard and pull the takeout into my lap.

No nosebleed will stop me from enjoying my sister’s gift and no criminal will ruin the life I’ve worked so hard to build.