“You don’t have to ask me twice.”
“Kian! Kian!”
I’d seen Betty Lou as soon as I walked out of the Timeless Cup Coffee shop. The only problem was, she had seen me as well.
I rolled my eyes and tried to decide if I should speed up and ignore her, or just get it over with. When I saw Jayme walking toward me, though, my decision was made. I’d spent enough time around my ex from high school when I first met Cadie. Turning, I smiled at the older woman. She might be the town gossip, but at least she wasn’t Jayme, and that was all I cared about.
“Betty Lou, how are you doing?” I asked as I walked toward her. She leaned against the brick building of the coffee shop and dragged in a few breaths.
“I thought I was going to have to run to catch up to you.”
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you,” I said with a fake smile.
Jayme walked by and stopped. “What a pleasant surprise to see you, Kian.”
I raised a brow. “Really? I’ve been back home for a while now and you saw me at the bakery my first day home.”
Her cheeks turned red, and I had a strong sensation it was out of anger and not embarrassment. “Right, well, it’s good seeing you…again.”
Her eyes darted over to Betty Lou, who was still trying to catch her breath. “So are you going to the Moose Jam Festival—”
“With Cadie!” Betty Lou quickly added, causing Jayme to shoot her a dirty look. “Really, Betty Lou?”
I narrowed my eyes at both women. “Yes, I’ll be there.”
“With Cadie?” both women asked at the same time.
Was it possible that Jayme was striving to become the next town gossip and take Betty Lou down from her throne? I decided to have a bit of fun. After all, wasn’t being a writer all about procrastination anyway? Got words to write? Go get a coffee in town. Need to hit a goal count, stand and talk to the town gossips for a spell.
“Cadie?” I asked.
Jayme looked at Betty Lou who looked at me.
Letting out a sigh, Jayme focused on me once again. “Yes, Cadie.”
“Am I going to the festival with Cadie? Like, as in, a date?”
Betty Lou smiled. “Well, you are dating her, aren’t you?”
“I was going to ask that!” Jayme stated, her hands instantly going to her hips.
With a triumphant smile, Betty Lou replied, “You should ask faster, then.”
It was my turn to raise my brows. When both women focused their attention back on me, I had to bite back a laugh.
“So?” Jayme prompted.
“I’m sorry, what did you ask?”
She sighed. “Are you taking Cadie with you to the festival?”
“Cadie?” I asked again.
“For the love of all things,” Betty Lou said as she moved and pushed Jayme back some when she bumped into her shoulder. “Let me show you how it’s done.”