Page 59 of This Moment

I felt my cheeks heat as I pushed a strand of loose hair that had fallen out of my ponytail behind my ear. “You’re sweet for saying that. Maybe next year.”

Opal looked like she wanted to say something but simply nodded. Turning, I headed to the kitchen and couldn’tignore the part of me that longed to go to the dance. But I knew I’d be safer and better off back at the house helping Sally with the pasta she made for dinner.


“What is with the sore look on your face?” Sally asked as she entered the kitchen.

I held up the piece of paper I had just been looking at. “It’s the estimate for the new heating unit for the guest house.”

“That bad, huh?” she asked as she made a terrified look.

“It’s not cheap, but the part that has me scowling is how long it’s going to take to get it in.”

Sally walked to the pantry, took items out, and set them on the counter. “How long?”

“At least two weeks.”

“Why so long?”

I shook my head. “I’m not sure. I hate to be that person and call and ask them why. I’m sure they’re busy.”

“I know they lost a few guys this past winter. One moved to Atlanta, and the other to Texas. Maybe it’s because they’re a few men down.”

Nodding, I replied, “That could be it.”

“Why are you rushing to get back down there?”

I gave her a look that silently asked if she was being serious. “It will be any day now that Judith Turner finds outthat Cadie is staying here at the house along with me. Worse yet, what if Betty Lou finds out? She’ll have us engaged and getting married by this summer.”

Sally laughed. “They won’t find out unless they follow one of you. As far as anyone knows, Cadie is still staying at the inn in town.”

“You know how folks talk in this town. Plus, Cadie is such a mystery to everyone, I’m sure they’re keeping tabs on her. I wouldn’t be surprised if Betty Lou had Luke tell her if Cadie leaves.”

Luke Banks was the owner of Moose Village Inn. “I know Luke, and he doesn’t fall into that pattern of gossip. Besides, Cadie told him she was renting the cabin when she informed him she wouldn’t be staying at the inn any longer; he thinks she moved there.”

I looked at Sally. “How do you know that?”

She gave a one-shoulder shrug. “Saw him at the grocery store in town the other day. He might have mentioned that the mystery woman moved out and took up residence in your cabin.”

My mouth fell open. “You just said he wasn’t the type to fall for gossip.”

“The kind of gossip that is Betty Lou and Judith. Now, with a friend like me, he’ll gossip until the sun goes down.”

Rolling my eyes, I let out a moan.

“Kian, why are you so worried about what people will think? Who cares what you or Cadie do in your private time.”

“I’m not worried about it, but I get the feeling Cadie doesn’t want to attract attention.”

Sally leaned in and lowered her voice. “Why do you think that is?”

I found myself leaning toward her and had to stop myself. Christ, I was about to fall right into the pattern of gossip myself. Instead, I shrugged. “She likes her privacy is what I’m guessing.”

Looking thoughtful, Sally went back to measuring out flour.

“What are you making?”

“Homemade pasta.” She looked at her watch. “Speaking of, Cadie should be here any minute. She asked if she could help me make the pasta for tonight’s dinner. The girl can bake, but when it comes to cooking, she needs some help.”