Page 92 of This Moment

“Why did your mother not even say a word to either of you when she showed up?”

“That’s an easy one to answer. She’s pissed at me for quitting the firm, and she is still furious—all these years later—with Mark for daring not to become a lawyer.”

It was my turn to sigh. “I hate to say this, but I’m glad they don’t come to Moose Village regularly. I’m not sure how often I could handle that.”

“They won’t be back until Christmas, if they even come back for Christmas. They’ll probably go to Europe.”

I nodded.

Kian smiled at me. “Millie and Jack love you, though.”

A warm feeling swept over my body. “They are so sweet. And fun! Jack is going to be a handful.”

He laughed. “I think so too. He keeps my sister on her toes.”

“Millie told me she wanted to have a tent birthday party. I’m not sure what she meant by that.”

“Teepee tents. Someone comes in and sets up teepees for the kids and it’s all themed.”

“And how do you know that?” I asked, laughing.

He winked. “Macy told me. She said Millie hasn’t been able to stop talking about it. She’s super excited. Did she talk to you about the birthday cake?”


“Yeah, she was going to ask you if you would be able to do the cake.”


Kian laughed. “Yes, you.”

I blinked a few times in confusion. “Why wouldn’t she ask Opal to do it?”

He shrugged and took another drink of his beer. “She said Opal suggested you do it.”

“She did?”

Kian set his beer down. “Are you going to only ask questions?”

I felt my cheeks heat. “It’s just…that is an honor to be entrusted to do Millie’s birthday cake. I hope Opal didn’t insist on it and forced Macy into it.”

“Trust me,” Kian said, taking my hand and pulling me to him. “No one can force my sister into doing anything she doesn’t want to do.”

With a giggle, I replied, “I bet not.”

Kian leaned down and kissed me softly before resting his forehead to mine. “You survived my parents.”

“It wasn’t that bad. Although, I don’t think your mother likes me.”

He rolled his eyes. “Who gives a shit. My mother would only like you if you came from a wealthy family with a six-bedroom apartment in Manhattan.”

I raised my brows. “That’s the thing…Ido come from a wealthy family. And that big home might not be in Manhattan, but does Italy count?”

I laughed. “She doesn’t know any of that, though.”

When he smiled, my stomach dipped. “Let’s keep that another secret in this family. Make love to me, Kian?”

When he reached down and scooped me up, I laughed.