“I won’t leave Moose Village or change my identity again. That’s my only stipulation.”
With a nod, Mark excused himself and walked outside. Kian and I both looked at one another.
“I’m so sorry, Cadie.”
I forced a smile. “It’s not your fault. I should have never gone looking for Michael. I wish I would have just left.”
“It doesn’t do you any good to play that game.”
Nodding, I looked up at him. “What about your brother being in the CIA?”
His eyes went wide. “Right? My little brother…I had no freaking idea. I hope I get to be in the same room when he tells my mother and father.”
My hand came to my mouth to stifle my laugh. Kian winked and I shook my head. “That’s terrible, Kian.”
“Just wait, you’ll see after this weekend when you meet my parents.”
“So, I’m meeting them. Even with all of this going on?”
Kian took my hand and brought it to his lips. “Life as usual. And I promise you right here and now, I will not let anything happen to you. I’ve waited too long for you, Cadie.”
Leaning in, my lips brushed his. His hand slipped around my neck, and he deepened the kiss. A voice cleared, and we quickly broke apart.
“It’s done. Lucas Miller is the contact of the FBI. I know him personally, and he’s a good guy.”
“Is that the guy who called you to bring you on?” Kian asked.
Mark nodded. “I’m going to be staying on and helping him out. My team doesn’t need me right now.”
Kian and I both nodded.
“Your team?” Kian asked.
Mark smiled. “Yeah, my team. Anyway, I think I’ll grab my bag and head to the house. If I can make a suggestion?”
“Of course,” I said.
“I’d pack up a bag and stay at the house. Being out here isn’t exactly safe, and keeping our eye on you will be harder.”
I looked at Kian, and he nodded. “I agree. I think you’re safer at my parents’ place. We can stay in the guest house.”
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know they were both right. “Okay, I agree.”
Kian faced his brother. “I’ll walk you out.”
Once the door to the cabin shut, I wrapped my arms around my body and sank down onto the sofa. Closing my eyes, I fought to hold my tears back. If anything happened to Kian and his family, or the friends I had made here in Moose Village, I would never forgive myself.
Drawing in a shaky breath, I stood up, squared my shoulders, and headed into the bedroom to continue packing.
The fire crackled in the fireplace as I sat on the sofa and drank a glass of wine while Kian made us dinner. He had opted to make dinner instead. I had texted Aurora and told her I wasn’t able to make it to book club. I was sad I was missing it, and I knew Mark told me not to change my plans, but I couldn’t bring myself to go. Just when I finally started to feel like I could enjoy people and things, something had to remind me of why I was lying to everyone in the first place.
My mind hadn’t stopped replaying what I saw that night all those months ago. After months of trying to forget, now I was obsessing about it.
“You okay?”
Dragging my gaze from the fire, I looked up at Kian and smiled. “Yes. I’m just sorry I’ve dragged you into this.”
“You didn’t drag me into anything.”