“I’m excited for the farmers’ market.”
“Oh!” Opal said as she pressed her hands to her chest. “The fresh fruit we get is unreal. I can’t wait to start using fresh local fruit in desserts.”
“I should start melting the chocolate!” Cadie stated as she rubbed her hands together.
“You kids enjoy; I’m going to go work for a bit.”
An hour later, all three of us sat at one of the tables, devouring the Oreo balls.
Letting out a moan of utter chocolate pleasure, I looked at Opal. “Why did you never make these for us?”
She stared at me in disbelief. “Because all the other pastries I made were shit?”
Cadie let out a choked laughter.
“No, but these are divine!”
“I can’t eat another one, or I’m going to get sick,” Cadie said as she pushed the plate away.
I licked my fingers. “The chocolate is melting on them.”
“I’ll just put these in the refrigerator. Now, you kids head on home and let me get some work done.”
Cadie frowned. “It’s so late, Opal.”
My aunt glanced at her watch. “Nonsense, it’s just ten. I’ll work for a few minutes more, then I’ll head home, whichyou need to do if you’re going to be opening tomorrow. This is our last Sunday that we’ll be open.”
“What?” I asked as I looked between each woman. “You’re closing on Sundays now?”
Opal smiled. “I am, all thanks to Cadie. She was right; I do deserve some time off.”
Cadie’s cheeks turned pink.
“I think that’s a great idea, Aunt Opal.”
“Some things are going to be changing here. I was going to wait and talk to you privately, Cadie, but now is as good of a time as any.”
“For what?” Cadie asked nervously.
“I’d like to make you the manager. You’d be taking on more responsibilities, but I have no doubt you’ll do wonderful.”
I stared at my aunt. “You’re making Cadie the manager? I mean…are you sure?”
Cadie and my aunt both turned and shot me dirty looks. I held up my hands. “No offense, Cadie, but do you think you can handle it?”
Folding her arms over her chest, she narrowed her eyes at me. “As a matter of fact, Kian, I do. Do you not remember me telling you I owned a bakery?”
“You owned a bakery and can bake, but can you run one?”
“What in the world is wrong with you?” Opal asked.
“I just mean, is she ready for this, Aunt Opal? Are you ready to trust her with the bakery you built? Why did you even sell it?”
Cadie’s mouth dropped open. “Like I said before, it was time for me to move on for personal reasons.”
With a shake of my head, I let out a gruff laugh as I rubbed at the instant tension in my neck.