“What could possibly be better than Oreos dipped in chocolate?”
Turning to face me, Cadie’s eyes went wide. “Have you never had Oreo balls?”
“Can’t say that I have. What are they?”
“Oh my gosh, Kian, are you serious?”
I shrugged. “I don’t think I’ve ever had them.”
She smiled. “You’re in for a treat then. Can you get me a package of cream cheese, please?”
“Sure,” I said, making my way to the refrigerator. I took out the cream cheese and handed it to her. “What can I do to help?”
She slid the food processor over to me. “You can grind these up for me while I get the pan ready.”
“Grind them up?”
“Yes, just hit pulse a few times.”
I saluted and got to work.
“Now we’re going to mix the cream cheese with the Oreos and make some balls. Can you grab the two scoops in that drawer right there to make balls.”
“Okay, I like where this is going!”
She laughed as she put the Oreos and cream cheese in the mixer. Next, we made balls and placed them onto the baking sheet Cadie had covered with wax paper before placing them in the freezer to chill.
“What should we do while we wait for them to freeze?” I asked.
Cadie grinned, but before she could answer, the bakery’s back door opened, and Opal walked in. I silently thanked the stars above for keeping my self-control in check.
“Hi, Opal,” Cadie said as I got up and kissed my aunt on the cheek. “Is everything okay?”
“Oh, yes, I decided since you were here, I was going to swing by and do some bookkeeping I’ve been neglecting.”
She looked around the kitchen and then at me. I was washing the mixing bowl. “You know I can help you with anything if you need it.”
She waved my comment off. “How is the book coming along?”
I grabbed a dish towel and started to dry the bowl. “It’s not happening as fast as I thought it would.”
“Give yourself some grace, Kian. It will happen.”
Cadie smiled at Opal and then at me.
“What are you kids making?”
Cadie and I spoke at the same time. “Oreo balls.”
Looking confused, Opal faced Cadie. “You’re a seasoned baker and you’re making him Oreo balls?”
Laughing, she replied, “It’s quick and easy.”
Opal held up both hands. “No judgment here. Did you enjoy the dance?”
“I did,” Cadie said as she put the food processor back together and stored it. “I love how this town does such cute things!”
Opal nodded and hung up her coat. “You’ll really enjoy the spring musical festival. I just hope the weather starts warming up a bit.”