Page 66 of This Moment

“I can’t wait for that. There is nothing better than buying fruit and veggies from local farms.”

Kian nodded. “I agree.”

“I’m also looking forward to the Moose Jam Fest on The Green you mentioned.”

“That’s always a fun time. I think one of the kids from Moose Village who started playing during the Moose Jam Fest was discovered by a record producer who just happened to be in town. He heard him and signed him a month later.”

“Wow! That’s amazing.”

He took another drink of his beer, and I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat.

Kian had found us a small table right on the edge of the tent that was erected over the area where everyone was dancing.

He set his drink down and looked at me. “Want to dance?”

I glanced out over the dance floor and then around the area. There were so many people that no one would even give me a second glance. Focusing back on Kian, I nodded. “Yes! Let’s dance.”

He stood, reached for my hand, and guided us toward the dancing crowd. A country song was playing.

“Do you know how to two-step?”

His question surprised me, and I answered with my own: “Doyouknow how to two-step?”

He laughed. “I learned a few years ago when I was dating a girl from Texas. She loved hitting up a country and western bar in New York City.”

“Did you date her for long?” I asked as we got into position and Kian put his hands on my body, ready to spin me around the concrete dance floor.

He shook his head. “My job seemed to always be in the way. We only dated for a few months. So, do you know how?”

I nodded. “I do, as a matter of fact.”

“Great!” he said, his brown eyes lighting up as they caught the lights hanging from the tent’s ceiling.

He drew me in closer, and we set off. I had to admit, it wasn’t exactly easy dancing on the street, but we did pretty well. A few people looked our way, and at first, I felt my entire body heat. But once we started and got our rhythm down, I found myself relaxing.

Kian was so easy to be with. He didn’t expect anything from me or demand that I do things his way. It was refreshing to be with someone like him. The song ended, and a slow song began. Kian drew me closer to his body and placed ourintertwined hands between us, right against our chests. I resisted the urge to bury my face in his chest. I could smell his cologne, and it almost made me feel dizzy. When I looked up, he looked down at me, and I was struck again by how handsome he was. His brown hair was cut short on the sides and in the back but was a bit longer on top. He looked like he could be in the military. And don’t even get me started on those golden-brown eyes of his. They seemed to pierce right into my soul.

“Has anyone ever told you you’re beautiful, Cadie?”

My entire body felt like it caught fire, and I had to fight the urge to look away. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re beautiful?”

Kian tossed his head back and laughed. He shook his head. “Handsome, but not beautiful.”

I reached up and ran my finger down his jaw. “Well, you are.”

His smile faded some as his gaze searched my face. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” I said, giving him a teasing wink.

He took my hand again and brought it to his mouth, gently kissing along my knuckles. The moment was so tender and beautiful. I felt…cherished. Then, a loud noise from off in the distance brought me back to reality. I jerked my hand away and stepped back, looking around us to see if anyone had seen what happened.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Kian asked, taking my hand and drawing me back in.

I swallowed and glanced around. “What if someone saw that?”

He shrugged. “Who cares. I don’t. Do you?”

Looking up at him, I replied, “If I’m being honest, I’m not sure. I mean, I didn’t come here to find a relationship, I came to start over.”