I wasn’t sure why I had asked Sally. It wasn’t like I was afraid to be with Cadie, but I wasn’t sure I wanted Sally to think it was a date. Was it? We had just been making out like two high school teenagers and I had made her come with my fingers…all while Sally had been in the house. She could have walked in on us at any moment. I silently wondered if she heard the sounds Cadie made as she came undone.
“Thank you for asking, but my days of spring flings are long over. You two enjoy yourself. The temperature is dropping, so be sure to dress warmly.”
I bit back a smile and simply nodded my head. No matter how old we got, Sally would always mother us. When I was sure my erection was down, which it pretty much did the moment Sally stepped into the room, I walked over and kissed her on the cheek. “I will. Enjoy your evening.”
As I approached the steps, Sally cackled and said, “You keep enjoying yours as well.”
I stopped and looked back. Then I looked up and realized she had probably seen the make-out session from the upstairs balcony area. Feeling my cheeks heat, I took the steps two at a time. I had a dance to get ready for.
What did one wear to an outdoor dance party that you were going to with a guy who just made you come in his family living room.
My cheeks heated, and I had to place my hands over them to cool my face.
I stared at the few clothes hanging in the closet. I ended up pulling out a long-sleeve shirt and my favorite blue sweater. If I got too hot, I could always take the sweater off. The temperature had been pretty nice today, a high of fifty, but it was still cold, and now that the sun was down, it would only keep getting colder. I wrapped my scarf around my neck, grabbed a knit hat and some gloves, and pushed them into my coat pocket.
I pulled on my UGG boots and took one last look at myself. My hair was down, and I contemplated whether to put it up. In the end, I decided to leave it down.
Satisfied with how I looked, I turned and headed out of the room. As I neared the bottom of the steps, I could hear Sally and Kian talking.
As I turned to head into the kitchen, I realized it wasn’t Sally’s voice I heard but another woman’s.
I stopped right outside of the kitchen when I heard my name.
“And do you know anything about this woman staying in our home?”
I instantly recognized the voice. It was Kian’s older sister, Macy.
“I know enough about her. What is your problem, Macy? Opal said you treated Cadie like shit when you were at the bakery.”
“What? I did not.”
“You sure about that?”
Macy sighed. “Fine. Maybe I was a bit…rude. I guess I just want to know who she is.”
“Her name is Cadie Waterford; she’s from Oregon and lived on the West CoastandChicago; she is a wonderful baker, friend, and employee. She’s here to start a new life, and I say we respect that.”
I turned and leaned against the wall, placing my hand over my heart. I didn’t deserve someone like Kian. I struggled to decide whether to tell Kian the truth or keep him in the dark. My gut told me to keep him in the dark for his safety, but my stupid heart was screaming for me to tell him the truth. I closed my eyes and drew in a slow breath.
“I’m sorry, Kian. It’s clear that you trust her.”
“I do, Macy, and so does Opal. And Sally. You’ve got to stop judging people before you even get a chance to get to know them.”
She sighed. “I know! I know! It’s just so hard. I don’t know if it’s the old lawyer in me or what. But I promise you, I’ll be more open-minded.”
“And not rude?”
She huffed. “I wasn’t rude the entire time.”
Kian mumbled something but I couldn’t understand what he said. “She will be coming down any second, so please behave.”
I backed up a few feet and started to walk. I entered the kitchen and did my best to seem surprised to see Macy there.
“Macy, um, hello.”
My gaze quickly darted to Kian andthen back to his sister. I couldn’t look at him right then. Not with the memory of those lips on my breasts and the way his fingers worked my…