“I need snacks,” I mumbled before turning and heading out of my temporary bedroom for the kitchen. Once I was downstairs, I heard a light humming. Deciding to forgo my snacks for a moment, I followed the sound. Cadie was in the nook in the main living room, her feet tucked up, a blanketover her and a book in her hand. Her hair was down, and I realized it was my first time seeing it that way. She usually had it up in a ponytail or some other fancy style. Her brown hair was slightly below her shoulders and had a wave to it.
Fuck, if she wasn’t beautiful. I leaned against the doorjamb where the dining room met the living room and watched her. When she smiled at something she read, my stomach dipped as if I was on a rollercoaster and racing down a hill. Then she laughed, and a strange sensation hit my chest. Lifting my hand, I rubbed at it.
What are you doing to me, Cadie Waterford?
She shouldn’t be sitting here hiding in a nook. She should be at the dance, having fun and meeting new people.
Then it hit me…what Sally had been trying to do earlier. She had wanted me to ask Cadie to the dance.
“You idiot,” I whispered. Pushing off, I walked into the living room. Cadie hadn’t noticed me yet.
“What are you reading?”
She sat up and closed her book when she saw me. The smile that crossed her face made something inside of me warmas if that smile was only for me.
“A romantic comedy.”
I stopped and looked down at her. She looked so comfortable, and I had to fight the urge to tell her to move over and let me get under the blanket with her. The things we could do in this little nook.
“How is the book coming along?”
Her question caused me to shake away the sudden naughty thoughts flooding my brain. I shrugged. “I probably have set a world record for someone who can stare at a computer screen.”
She scrunched up her nose and gave me an adorable look. “Writer’s block?”
“Something like that. I’ve only written one chapter.”
Pushing off the blanket, she swung her feet and motioned for me to sit beside her. “Hey, one chapter is better than no chapter at all.”
I sat. “That’s true. I think I need to get out of the house and do something.”
She didn’t say anything, just nodded. “Maybe the fresh air would help.”
Turning to look at her, I asked, “What about you? Want to get out and get some air? Maybe dance a little?”
Cadie’s cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. “Why, are you asking me to the Spring Fling dance, Mr. Carter?”
I chuckled. “I believe I am. You down for it?”
Her smile slipped slightly before it was back again. “Why not!”
“That’s my girl.”
Cadie paused from where she was gathering up her things and looked at me.
“I mean, not that you’re my girl or anything. That’s not what I meant, not that I wouldn’t want you to be my girl because I would, but I mean not that I think you should be owned or anything like that.”
Cadie placed her hand over my mouth as she laughed. “Oh my gosh, stop digging yourself in deeper!”
I closed my eyes and shook my head.
She dropped her hand, but I caught it. Lifting it, I turned her hand and looked at the delicate skin on her wrist. Everything in me wanted to run my tongue along her skin. See what she tasted like. Instead, I ran my thumb over the area.
A soft moan followed by my name slipped from her lips.
Looking into her eyes, I said, “I want to kiss you…here.”
Her tongue darted out and licked her lips. I took that as a yes, so I lifted her arm and softly kissed her wrist. When she didn’t pull her hand away, I ran my tongue softly over the skin.