Her brows lifted. “Really?”
“You okay with that?”
She cleared her throat and wiped her mouth. “Of course. Like I said last night, it’s your house. If you have a problem with it, I can go back to the inn or–”
“Absolutely not! You will not go back there!” Sally interjected. “It will be fine, and if you’re worried about town gossip, don’t be. I’ll be here.”
Cadie and I both looked at Sally. Did she really think that her being here would stop anything? Not that anything would happen.
“All due respect, Sally,” Cadie said. “But I don’t think people who like to gossip would give two iotas that you’re here. But I’m not worried about gossip.”
“You’re not?” Sally and I said at the same time.
“No. Are you?”
I looked at Sally, who promptly turned away. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I looked at Cadie again. “Of course not. No one is even going to notice.”
The lie slid off my tongue so easily that it concerned me. Sally started to cough to hide the laugh that had slipped free. Cadie smiled and said, “There you have it then. And don’tworry, I won’t bother you with your writing. You won’t even know I’m here!”
My eyes fell to her soft pink lips, and I couldn’t help but wonder what they would feel like against my mouth. Or my skin. Or my…
Clearing my throat, I shook away my thoughts. “Same goes for me. You won’t even know I’m here.”
The smile that appeared on Cadie’s face was, most definitely, forced.
Oh. Shit.
It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since Kian moved back into this parents’ house, and I swore people looked at me differently. I hated working the front end. Not that I hated dealing with people, I loved people, but when you’re hiding out, the last thing you want is attention being drawn to you. And for some reason, I felt like I had a blinking sign over my head that said, I think Kian Carter is hot as fuck,and I want to jump his bones.
If only I could call Lauryn and talk to her about Kian. About my feelings for him and how freaking confusing all of this was. I hated that I couldn’t tell people more about myself. I hated that I couldn’t pick up the phone and call my mother in Italy and tell her about this darling little town.
The sound of Opal’s voice nearly had me jumping over the counter. My hand went to my chest, and I let out a nervous bubble of laughter.
“You scared me.”
With a tilt of her head and a look of worry on her face, she asked, “Is everything okay? You were lost in thought and didn’t hear me saying your name.”
I quickly thought of a lie. “I’m so sorry; I was thinking about next week’s menu and had an idea for a featured dessert.”
Her eyes lit up. “Oh, what is it?”
“Um,” I said, searching my brain for a recipe. Luckily, I was saved when the bell above the door rang, and an older gentleman walked in. He was handsome, with dark hair that had streaks of gray running through it. The most beautiful blue eyes, and when he smiled, a dimple appeared on his right cheek.
Opal stiffened next to me and drew in a sharp breath. I turned to look at her and placed my hand on her arm. Her face had drained of all color, and she looked like she was about to faint.
“Opal? Are you okay?”
Placing her hand over mine, she forced a smile. Leaning in, she whispered, “Please don’t leave.”
“I won’t,” I replied before looking at the man still standing at the front entrance.
“Good afternoon,” I said with a pleasant smile. “Welcome to Batter Up Bakery.”
He smiled and looked around the bakery before he focused his attention back on Opal.