Kian stared at me for a moment too long, and I thought for sure he knew I was lying. “Did he have a gun?”
It felt like ice completely covered my heart at his question. “Who?”
“The guy who robbed you?”
I let out the breath I had been holding. “Yes, he did. I guess that’s why I asked you that. I think about what would have happened if he had shot one of us.”
Covering my face with my hands, I laughed. “Oh my gosh! Lighten up the mood, please!”
Kian laughed as well. “What are your plans for the rest of the day?”
“I was thinking of going into the bakery. It was sweet of Opal to let me have off today, but there is a lot of baking that needs to be done, and I should go help her.”
“Need some help?”
Staring at him, I asked, “Wait, are you being serious?”
He looked offended. “Of course, I am.”
“Can you bake?”
Kian placed his hand over his heart and wore a fake expression of hurt. “That was fierce, Ms. Waterford. Of course, I can bake. I practically grew up in Batter Up Bakery. Opal used us kids for free labor.”
A bubble of laughter slipped free, and Kian chuckled.
“It’s true! She did!”
“And I’m sure you all loved helping her. I can’t even imagine the treats you got.”
He nodded. “It is surprising the three of us never got diabetes with as much sugar as we ate.”
Leaning back, I patted my stomach. “Definitely a downside to working in a bakery. Man, I am full.”
Kian stood and started to clean up, so I joined him. We worked in comfortable silence as we washed the storage containers and dried them to give back to Sally. Now and then, I would steal a look in Kian’s direction. As handsome and sweet as he was, I needed to keep this budding relationship in the friends zone. The last thing I needed to do was getinvolved with anyone, especially a man from a very wealthy, and most likely well-known family.
“I think that’s it,” Kian said as he reached for my coat and held it for me to slip into it. I wasn’t used to having men doing things like that for me. My stupid stomach swooped when Kian’s fingers lightly brushed over my neck as he slipped my coat on.
“How about I take this back up to the house? I need to unpack and change. I can meet you at the bakery if you want.”
I could see the look of disappointment on his face. “Um, yeah. We can meet there.”
“Great!” My voice held a little more excitement in it than I wanted. At the same time, I needed to make sure I kept the lines drawn between us. Picking up the picnic basket, I started for the door. “Thank you so much for the tour and for letting me stay here until my furniture comes.”
“Of course,” Kian said, opening the door and holding it while I stepped outside.
A cold rush of wind nearly knocked me off balance. “Feels like it’s gotten colder outside.”
Kian glanced up at the sky. “Clouds have moved in. There goes our nice day. Do you want me to drive you up to the house?”
With a wave, I replied, “Oh gosh, no. It’s a short walk. I’ll see you at the bakery?”
He nodded. “Yeah, see ya later.”
I had the strangest feeling as I turned to head back to the main house. Stopping, I looked around but saw nothing or no one. Picking up the pace, I quickly returned to the house and laughed at myself. My imagination was getting the best of me.