I quickly reviewed the timeline. Was Macy Jake’s daughter? No…it couldn’t be.
“Jake told me he needed to do the right thing, so he left France, moved to New York City, and married your mother.”
“What about Dad?”
“He was heartbroken and nearly quit school.”
“What?” I practically shouted.
“Jake and Lacy married, and she lost the baby not long afterward.”
A part of me knew I should feel bad for my mother, but I couldn’t make myself feel that way. She had slept with my aunt’s boyfriend, gotten pregnant, then married the guy.
“I’m so sorry, Opal.”
She shrugged. “I wasn’t the one who lost the baby.”
“But you lost the love of your life because of your sister.”
Nodding, she replied, “That is true, but Karma has hit your mother in the end. Time and time again, if I’m being honest.”
“What happened to Jake?”
“Your mother told him she didn’t love him and loved Doug. They got an annulment, and a week later, your mother was married to Doug, and eight months later, Macy was born.”
I closed my eyes. “So she got pregnant with Macy while still married to Jake. So, you see, your father isn’t exactly an innocent party either.”
“And we’re sure Macy is Dad’s?”
“According to your mother, Jake and she never slept together except for that one night.”
Opal nodded. “Jake stayed in New York City, opened that art studio, and did well. My dreams took me back hometo Moose Village when my mother decided to retire from the café. I thought it would make the perfect bakery, and I was right. The last time I saw Jake was when he packed a bag and headed to the States to marry my sister. That is, until today.”
I rubbed my temples and asked, “Wait, so Dad knew about Jake? Well, obviously, he did if Mom got pregnant. Had he met Jake before?”
Opal gave me a weak smile. “Yes, he had met him.”
I slowly shook my head. “This explains so much about their marriage. I’m so sorry, Aunt Opal.”
She waved off my concern. “Don’t be. My life turned out exactly how it should have. I’m happy, and your mother…well…she got what she deserved in the end.”
“But what about kids? Did you never want to get married and have kids?”
“It was a dream once upon a time. And I was pregnant once. I lost the baby, though, and it was for the best. The man I was dating at the time wasn’t the man for me.”
“Did you never get married because of Jake?”
She exhaled. “I’m sure that is part of it.”
“Did she ever apologize to you?”
Opal laughed. “This is your mother we’re talking about.” She exhaled. “No, she didn’t and we didn’t talk for about a year. We made up for the sake of our mother. It killed her knowing her daughters were at odds. Or course, she didn’t know the whole reason why.”
With a shrug, Opal let out a bone-weary sigh.
“Why had no one ever told us this story?”
“It doesn’t impact your lives, so I’m sure that is part of the reason, and the second, your mother likes to keep it a secret. But I’m getting old, Kian, and I’m tired of carryingsecrets. Seeing Jake today made me realize I needed to let go of the anger I still held for your mother. Don’t get me wrong, she still pisses me off for a large number of other reasons.”