Page 22 of This Moment

After sitting in the kitchen for a few more minutes, I peeked around the corner to see if Jayme and Ashtyn were still there.

“They’re gone,” Cadie said with a slight laugh. “Do you want any dessert before I start packing it up?”

Exhaling a breath, I pushed my hand through my hair. “You probably think I’m a chicken shit for hiding out in the kitchen.”

Without looking at me, Cadie replied, “No judgment from me.”

“Is it closing time?”

“Almost. We close at three.”

I walked farther into the dining area of the bakery. My aunt had a cute bakery. It almost looked like the type of bakery that if you pulled up Pinterest and typed in vintage bakery, the Batter Up Bakery would show up. The front of the bakery had two display windows; one displayed cakes, pies, and pastries. The other had baskets with homemade bread in them. There were two small tables outside of the store. It had a very European feel to it. The inside was painted a blue color and had antique furniture sprinkled throughout. The tables were all round wood tables with café-type chairs. “I can remember working here in high school. Is the stuff to wipe down the tables in the same spot?”

“Not sure, but it’s right under the register.”

“Same spot! I’ll do that for you.”

Cadie gave me a polite smile. “I appreciate that, Kian, but you do not have to stay and help me. I’ve got this.”

“I don’t have anything else to do.”

Was it my imagination, or did she suddenly seem agitated? “I’ll grab it. If you wouldn’t mind stacking the chairs onto the tables so that Ican mop.”

“Is there no one else to help you?”

“Opal is usually here, as well as a high school student who works part time. They’re both gone, so it’s just me. I don’t mind. Opal works so hard, and such long hours; I really wanted her to be able to take some time off and enjoy spending time with her friends.”

“That was nice of you.”

Cadie shrugged. “She’s been very kind to me since I arrived in town.”

“Where did you move from?” I asked, even though I’d heard that very information through the grapevine, as I took the rag and bottle of cleaner from her.

“Chicago. Grew up on the West Coast.”

I sprayed the table. “California? Oregon?”

Cadie paused and turned and faced me. “I know you’re just making small talk, but I really don’t talk about my personal life.” She shrugged. “It’s just a rule I have, I’m not trying to be rude or anything.”

Laughing, I said, “Why? Are you in hiding because you killed someone?”

A look passed over her face, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. She smiled and winked. “My past isn’t that intriguing, trust me.”

“Oh, come on, everyone has a little part of their past that is interesting. Look at mine. I was born and raised in a town called Moose Village. Grew up believing that Perry the Moose was a real thing. I was cheated on and became a lawyer because I didn’t have the courage to tell my parents that it wasn’t my dream. Worked long hours for years, lived in a condo that was indecently too big for just one person, never could keep a girlfriend because of the long hours, quit my jobjust yesterday, and decided that at thirty-three, I would start a new career.”

When Cadie said nothing, I looked over to see her staring at me. She held a box in her hand that I assumed was filled with delicious pastries.

“I’m guessing that you must have really needed to get that off your chest.”

The bubble of laughter came from nowhere. I laughed so hard that it made Cadie start to laugh. Soon, we were both in stitches, and I wasn’t even sure what the hell we were laughing about.

The bell above the bakery door rang, and we both turned to see my Aunt Opal standing there, perplexed.

“I see you met Cadie,” was all she said as she entered. She stopped, kissed me on the cheek, and then started toward the kitchen.

Cadie and I exchanged a questioning look before I put the last chair on the table and followed my aunt. She went directly into her office and sat down.

“Aunt Opal, is everything okay?”