I dried off the plate and set it on the rack as Katherine grabbed her purse.
“So, what do you know about Cadie with a C?”
Her eyes instantly lit up, and she slid onto a stool, setting her purse back down. She quickly looked toward the front area and focused back on me. “Not much. She’s super quiet about her past. Only gives bits and pieces about where she is from, where she grew up. And she does not like getting her picture taken at all. The craziest part…she doesn’t have social media! I mean, she’s thirty-three! She should have social media, don’t you think?”
I gave a one-shoulder shrug. “I know many people my age who don’t do social media.”
“How does she meet guys?”
Staring at Katherine, I realized she was genuinely asking me. “Um, I guess the old-fashioned way. Going out, through friends, church, bars.”
“She doesn’t have any friends, and the only people she knows are those who work here at the bakery. I invited her to go out with me and my friends one night, but she declined.”
I narrowed my eyes at her. “Maybe she’s shy and just hasn’t worked up the courage to meet people yet.”
“Betty Lou finds it odd as well.”
I rolled my eyes. “Maybe listening to the town gossip isn’t such a great idea.”
Katherine thought for a moment. “Well, you’re gossiping right now. You asked me what I knew about her.”
“That’s true.”
“Macy was also asking questions. She’s new in town and everyone is just curious.”
“I get that. I’m curious as well. Off topic, but was William with Macy?”
William was my sister’s husband—my brother-in-law.
“No, I don’t think so. Why?”
It was my turn to shrug. “Just curious.”
Katherine looked out front then back to me. “I think this is her first time on the East Coast. She is excited about winter and snow. Although, she did live in Chicago.”
I tucked that bit of information away. “Never been in snow?”
She shrugged. “Didn’t ask. She told a customer she was looking forward to a white Christmas.”
“Any family?” I asked.
Katherine raised a brow. “What was it you were saying about gossip?”
I cleared my throat but didn’t say anything.
“I don’t know. She has never once talked about her family, and she’s made it clear she doesn’t intend to talk about them.”
I rubbed my chin. I could feel the stubble already growing from not shaving this morning. “Interesting.”
“Right?” Katherine said as she stood. “I better get going. Maybe you can charm some information out of her with those good looks and all that lawyer shit you learned.”
“Lawyer shit?” I asked with a raised brow.
“Please, don’t even act like you didn’t hear me say you were good-looking.”
I winked. “And charming.”
Katherine giggled, and before I knew it, she was rushing out the back door and was gone.