Page 16 of This Moment

“I don’t see what is so strange about that. Not everyone is obligated to tell their life story.”

Sally crossed her arms once again. “Won’t say where she is from, hasn’t mentioned any family, drove into town one day and stayed, pays cash for everything, and if you ask me, I think she dyes her hair.”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake, Sally. How many women dye theirhair? Millions! Leave the poor girl alone. Maybe she’s just wanting a fresh start.”

“We think so as well, but Betty Lou thinks she might have killed someone. Like maybe her husband got too handsy, and she popped him off.”

It was my turn to raise my brows. “Popped him off?”

She nodded. “Killed him.”

“I know what you mean. That is crazy. I think Betty Lou should stop watching those mystery movies, and why are you listening to the town gossip?”

“It’s how I keep up with everything.”

I started to move past Sally and toward my car.

“Let me know what you think about her!” Sally called out.

Lifting my hand and giving her a wave, I replied, “I’ll bring you back some banana bread.”

“Thank you!”

Once I was in my car, I let out a soft laugh and started my car. “Popped him off. Some things will never change in this town.”


“Thank you so much, Cadie. A crowd shouldn’t be coming in, so you won’t have to do much. Maybe sell a few things.”

Smiling, I motioned for Opal to head out the door. “Opal, I can handle this. I know how to use the register, and I hardly think a rush will come in an hour before we close.”

She looked past me and into the bakery, which only had two young ladies sitting at a table eating orange scones and drinking coffee.

“I promise, I’ve got this.”

Opal chewed on her lower lip. Katherine had already left, and Chelsea, the young high school girl Opal hired to work from one to three, had a fever and wasn’t able to come in today.

“Go, enjoy the time with your friends. I’ve got this.”

“And you remember the combo to the safe?” she whispered.

“I do. And you’re only going to be right down the street, so if I need anything, I will call you.”

“You’re sure you don’t mind me abandoning you like this?”

I laughed. “You’re hardly abandoning me, Opal. Now go and enjoy yourself. I’ll start working on the Tigger cake.”

Her face finally relaxed. “Thank you, Cadie. I’ll check in with you in a little bit.”

Opal hurried out the door and down the street. Turning, I made my way over to the two ladies who were chatting.

“Did you ladies need anything else?”

The younger one looked up and smiled. “I would love another coffee, if you don’t mind?”

“Not at all.” I turned and faced the older woman. She wasn’t the younger girl’s mother; she wasn’t that much older, so I was guessing maybe they were sisters since they both had the same blue eyes. “May I get you another as well?”

She glanced at her nearly empty coffee cup and laughed. “Yes, and may I have one of those yummy-looking chocolate cupcakes?”