“How come it’s Daddy’s favowite?” Rose asked.
I loved how her Rs sounded like Ws.
“Well, seven years ago today, your daddy and I made this recipe in this kitchen. It was right after Aunt Opal gave me the bakery to run. It was a very happy night for me, and the first recipe I made after learning I would own the bakery. So, every night, on the same night, your father and I have made this recipe.”
Sally smiled. “That is so sweet.”
Rose nodded and said, “It’s one of my favowite things you make too. But I don’t love it as much as I love your fudge.”
I laughed. “I don’t make fudge, sweetheart.”
“I know,” Rose said as she looked up. “I was talking to Aunt Sally.”
My mouth fell open as Sally attempted to hide the smile on her face and failed.
“Well, I’m glad you like it.”
“Do you think baby brother will too?” Rose asked.
Placing my hand on my stomach, I smiled. “I hope so.”
“Will you give him some when he’s born?”
Sally giggled.
“No, he won’t be able to eat it for a long time.”
“Hows come?” Rose asked, placing the last dough circle into the pan.
“Well, at first, he can only drink my milk. Remember we talked about this? How I’m going to feed baby brother like I did you?”
“Yep!” Rose said, jumping down from the stool. “He’s going to eat from your boob!”
Sally laughed again. “Oh, how I have missed kids around here.”
I rolled my eyes at her and focused on Rose, who had dragged the stool over to my side. She knew the drill. She would wet the rim of each tart, place another circle of dough that she had cut earlier on it, and I would seal the dough with my fingers.
Once the tarts were filled and sealed, I put the pans in the oven and set the timer.
“How come you make us wait until tomorrow morning to eat them?” Rose asked.
“Good question,” Sally added.
I leaned against the counter. “Well, in Italy, they’re normally eaten for breakfast.”
Rose tilted her head and thought about it for a few moments. “Okay, but we’re in Moose Village, not Italy.”
“Touche!” Sally cried out.
I tossed the hand towel draped over my shoulder at Sally. “Hush!”
Pushing off the counter, I was about to head into my office when I froze.
“What’s wrong?” Sally instantly asked.
The back door opened, and I heard Rose let out a squeal of delight. “Daddy! Daddy!”
“Did I miss it?” he asked as he swept Rose off her feet and started kissing her.