Standing, I turned in a circle. “I’ve got my own bakery again! Kian! This is…so amazing! I have so many ideas; I don’t want to change too much, but I’ve got so many ideas!”
He stood. “I cannot wait to share every moment with you.”
I threw myself into his arms. “I am so happy!”
Pulling me in closer, Kian held me against him. When we stepped apart, he framed my face with his hands, his eyes taking in every inch of my face. He drew in a breath and whispered, “I love you, Cadie.”
Tears pooled in my eyes as I blinked furiously to keep them at bay. My heart felt something I had never felt before. It was something so beautiful I couldn’t put into words if I had tried. A sense of peace I’d never felt before washed over me. Moose Village was my forever home, and this man standing before me saved me in more ways than I could imagine. I closed my eyes to save the memory of this moment. Opening them, I felt a single tear slip free. “I love you too!”
Kian used the pad of his thumb and gently wiped it away. “Come on. I’m taking you home.”
“No, I have to finish cleaning up and have prep work.”
“I mopped, ensured everything was turned off and put away, and you’re the boss now. You can prep later!”
I couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that slipped free. “I am the boss now!”
He nodded. “Yep.”
Turning, I quickly made my way into the kitchen and started turning on the lights.
“What are you doing?”
“Well, if this is my bakery now, or will be once I sign the paperwork, I think we should break it in!”
A wide grin spread across Kian’s face. “I like where you’re going with this!”
I jumped and clapped my hands together. “Great! You grab the eggs. I need them to be at room temperature.”
He looked confused. “Um, I get being kinky and all, but eggs?”
I bit back a laugh. “The eggs are for the pasticciotti cream-filled tarts.”
“We’re making pasticciotti Italian cream-filled tarts! What did you think I meant?”
“Sex! I thought we were breaking in the kitchen by having sex.”
I wrinkled my nose. “No. No sex in my kitchen!”
Kian rolled his eyes.
“But, if we make extra whipping cream, we can use it later at home.”
With eyes wide and a twinkle in his eyes, Kian asked, “What else do you need me to do besides take out the eggs?”
It was over. Finally, it was all over.
It had taken almost a year for the trial of Michael’s father. During that time, I still found myself looking over my shoulder.
Michael had testified against his father and the evidence he had kept was damning. Melanie also testified along with a string of other people. It was enough to convict Michael’s father and put him behind bars for the rest of his life.
Lauryn had kept me up to date with the trial, sending me daily texts or calling me on the phone. Her last phone call was a planning trip. She was coming to spend Christmas with me and Kian, and although I kept this part to myself, she would be meeting Mark, who was coming in to stay with us as well. Only Kian and Macy knew Mark would be home. They didn’t bother to tell their parents, not that I thought they would care even if they did know.
The feel of Kian behind me caused me to turn around.
“What are you doing?” he asked, placing a soft kiss on my cheek.