Page 110 of This Moment

I stood as well. “Cruise?”

Opal chuckled. “Jake and I want to take a cruise through Europe. It’s a four-month cruise.”

My eyes widened. “Four months?”

Looking at me with a raised brow, Opal asked, “You do think you can manage this place without me, don’t you?”

“Yes!” I said a bit too quickly. “I mean, of course, I’ll miss you, but I’m so happy for you both.”

Standing, I walked around the desk and hugged Opal, then Jake. “How exciting this is for you both.”

Jake nodded. “It is very exciting.”

“If you’d like to have a lawyer look over this before you sign it, that’s not a problem,” Macy stated as she gathered up all the papers and handed me the envelope.

“Well, I happen to know a guy who was a lawyer. He might be biased, though.”

Everyone in the room laughed.

“Okay, now I can take off my lawyer hat and hug you. Trey owes me for making me lawyer again. I hope his trip to Iceland was fun.”

“Thank you, sweetheart,” Opal said to Macy.

“Of course. Congratulations. I’m so happy for both of you.”

Hugging Macy back, I replied, “Thank you, Macy.”

She drew back, and I couldn’t help but think about how she didn’t trust me when she first met me. Now, she hugged and congratulated me on taking ownership of the bakery. Life is crazy!

“I’m off! Aunt Opal, Jake, enjoy your day! Cadie, let it all soak in!”

Opal and Jake soon followed Macy out the office door, leaving me alone.

A light knock had me looking at the entry to the office. “You okay?”

“Did you know?” I asked as Kian made his way into the office.

“No, I didn’t know until earlier today. How are you feeling? Happy?”

I let out a humorless laugh. “I think so. Excited. Scared. Worried.”

“Worried?” he asked as he sat on the edge of Opal’s desk. The desk that would soon be mine.

With a nod, I exhaled. “What if I do something wrong and the bakery fails?”

Kian laughed. “First of all, this bakery isn’t going anywhere. This is Moose Village, not Boston, Cadie. I know your place was successful as well, but this bakery is well-established. People come from other areas around here just to visit this bakery.”

“I know! What if I mess that up?”

“You won’t. Trust me, Opal wouldn’t have done this if she wasn’t sure you were the one to take the reins.”

“I’m so honored, Kian. Surprised, happy…”

“Worried? You already said that.” He reached and took my hand in his. “Opal isn’t going anywhere. She’ll be here if you need her.”

I nodded then smiled. “I’ve got a bakery again!”

He laughed. “I know!”