Mark arrived shortly after we got back to my parents’ house. Michael was sitting in the living room, with Lucas and Lionelflanking both sides of him. Cadie had asked them to take the cuffs off, and they agreed after she promised them Michael wasn’t going to run.
Michael had told Mark and Lucas about how he had known Cadie was in Moose Village and how his father had threatened to hurt Melanie if he didn’t get Cadie back to Boston. He told them about how he had never wanted to be part of his father’s darker world but had been pulled into it anyway. When Lucas asked if Michael would be willing to testify against his father, he looked at Cadie.
“If he does this, what about the murder?”
Lucas leaned back in his chair. “He killed someone, Cadie.”
“Yes, but his father threatened his sister and mother if Michael didn’t fall into line.”
Mark turned to Lucas. “If he was coerced into the killing, we might be able to work with that.”
“What do you want in return?” Lucas asked.
“I’d really like to not go to jail and not be killed by someone my father hires. For my mom and sister to also be safe. And Melanie, I’d like for her to be safe as well. She didn’t ask for any of this.”
“Does he have her now?” Mark asked.
“He has eyes on her and can grab her at any moment.”
Lucas looked at Lionel. “Get her information from Michael, then put a tail on her.”
“Not to be that guy,” Michael said. “But I was able to get around you guys, and I’m not even close to being good at this. How can I be sure she’ll be safe?”
“The first thing we need to ask,” Cadie said. “Does she know you’re involved with your father’s mob business?”
He nodded. “I told her what was happening when I left. She wasn’t happy, but she was more scared for me and you. I told her to keep going on like nothing was happening. I know my father has someone following her around, but when I spoke to her this morning, she was at work.”
Cadie smiled. “That was sweet of her to be worried about me.”
I stood. “Does no one else think this is all just fucked up? This guy killed someone, he kidnapped Cadie, and now we’re worried about how his girlfriend feels?”
Mark walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. “I know you’re upset, Kian.”
“Upset? I’m more than upset, Mark. I want to wrap my hands around his neck and choke him.”
Michael held up his hands. “I’m not arguing with you on that. I’d want to kill me too if the roles were reversed.”
It was Lucas who spoke next. “Kian, the bigger picture here is Michael’s father. If we can get Michael to testify on the crimes his father has done, we can put him and others in jail. The man has killed hundreds, if not thousands, of people. He’s worked with arms dealers in other countries, and who knows what else he has his hands in that the FBI doesn’t know about. If it means putting Michael in protective custody and giving him a new life, then it’s worth it.”
“And he gets off scot-free from killing someone and whatever crimes he has orchestrated?”
“To get a bigger, more dangerous criminal off the streets, yes. You know this is how it works, Kian. You just don’t like it this time because it’s personal.”
I pushed my hand through my hair and sighed. “And what about Cadie? How do we keep her safe? Just becauseMichael is turning sides, does that mean his father will still be able to come after her?”
“This is all I’ve been thinking about!” Cadie stated.
Lucas spoke. “We’ll keep someone here in Moose Village with her. We don’t have to stay so hidden, which will make it easier, as long as Cadie doesn’t mind having a bodyguard for a while.”
She smiled. “I don’t mind.”
Nodding, I said, “Good. Okay.”
Lucas stood. “Michael, can you call Melanie? We’ll want to get her into protective custody immediately.”
Cadie took my hand, and we left the room, leaving the FBI agents to figure out the next move. Mark followed us.
I leaned against the counter. “How do you deal with this all the time?”