Michael did exactly what he was told to do. Once he was in custody, I rushed over and pulled Cadie into my arms. I knew I was holding her too tightly, but I didn’t care.
“Can’t breathe,” she whispered.
I pushed her back at arm’s length and looked her over. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. He didn’t hurt me. I promise.”
My hands moved over her body, checking for myself. “Why were you sitting on the porch holding his hand?”
“I figured no one would shoot him that way.”
I laughed. “My God, Cadie. Did you honestly think they wouldn’t have their guns drawn?”
“Well, I was kind of hoping they wouldn’t. I’m so sorry about all of this.”
I kissed her forehead and whispered, “You don’t owe me an apology. I was so scared.”
She took my hands in hers. “I’m okay. I am a bit concerned that Michael was able to slip by the FBI. He’s not exactly a smart criminal. Just ask him, and he’ll agree with me.”
I glanced over my shoulder to see Lionel putting Michael into the back of one of the black SUVs. “I don’t even want to look at him right now because I’m afraid I’ll kill him.”
She chuckled. “I told him he would need to be more worried about you than the FBI.”
I let out a long breath. “You’re right. He does need to worry about me. All I could think about was when I got here how I was going to kill him with my two hands.”
“And I love you for that.”
Cadie’s eyes widened when she realized what she had said. I acted as if I hadn’t caught it, and she let out a small, relieved breath.
“How in the hell did you get him to come to the cabin?”
“Well,” she started as she looked toward the vehicle where Michael was sitting. “It was all by mistake. Michaelwas staying close by in a rented cabin, and he noticed no one was staying at this one. He thought we could stay here and leave for Boston tomorrow.”
Cadie nodded. “He had orders from his father to take me back to him.”
I closed my eyes and sent a prayer of thanks that their plan was foiled.
“How did he know you were here?”
She drew in a long breath and exhaled. “Is Mark here?”
“He’s on his way back right now. I think Lionel told him we had a location on you.”
“Did the FBI agent see us approach the cabin?”
“No, he was pulled off surveillance the other day for another mission, or whatever the hell they call it. They thought it would be okay since we weren’t staying here.”
“That explains why no one saw Michael snooping around the cabin. Thank God, Mark had the silent alarm put in, though.”
“Yeah, he’s getting a damn good Christmas present this year.”
She chuckled. “Let’s get out of here.”
I wrapped my arm around her and held her close as we walked toward where Lucas stood. “May we drive back with you?”
“Sure thing,” he said as he opened the back door, and we both crawled into the SUV.