Page 100 of This Moment

My heart slammed against my chest as I realized Michael was taking me tomycabin. Well, Kian’s cabin.

“How do you know no one has been there? Maybe they were just out of town for the weekend or something.”

He shook his head and turned down the road leading to Kian’s cabin. I forced my hands to stay still by sitting on them. I knew that Mark had set up an alarm at the cabin, just in case Kian and I decided we wanted to come up to it. I also knew there was an FBI agent in another cabin farther up the hill keeping an eye on the house. How had he not seen Michael if he had been by the cabin a few times already?

“Did you break into the cabin?” I asked.

“No, I rented a cabin not far from it. I could see it from the balcony. I bought binoculars and have been watching itand have never seen anyone there. No lights, no cars, nothing. It’s rained a few times, and no tire tracks in or out.”

I stared out the window. Could it be that freaking easy? Chewing on my lower lip, I decided not to question God’s plans and just prayed that the agent was still up there.

Michael pulled up to the gate and quickly got out to open it. When I first looked at the cabin to rent it there was no gate. Mark has suggested to Kian to put one in.

When he jumped in and started down the drive, I realized I was holding my breath. I slowly let it out and tried to steady my breathing.

When I saw the cabin, I forced myself not to look around. Keeping my gaze fixed on the cabin and only the cabin.

Please let the FBI agent be here. Please let the alarm be silent.

The SUV came to a stop, and I chanced looking around.

“If this was a different situation, this might be romantic.”

My head snapped to the left as I stared at him. “Are you serious right now? Romantic?”

He shrugged. “It would be. Not to be a douche, but I’d want to be here with Melanie.”

“Let’s see. You killed someone. You kidnapped me, and then said you would rather be here with your girlfriend in this cozy, romantic cabin. Yeah, not a douche comment at all.”

He looked like he wanted to say something but simply shook his head. He got out and took two bags out of the back seat. “Don’t try and run, Katy. We’re out in the middle of nowhere.”

Once Michael opened my door, I exited the SUV and looked around. I couldn’t tell if anyone was watching the cabin or not. I guess that was the point, though.

“Let’s go,” Michael stated as he gave me a light push toward the front door. I walked up the steps and stopped at the door.

“Try the doorknob.”

Turning, I gave him a disbelieving look. “Do you honestly think they would keep it unlocked?”

He shrugged. “Try it.”

Sighing, I reached for the door and tried to open it. “It’s locked.”

“Step aside.”

“What are you going to do?” I asked as I watched him put the two duffle bags on the porch.

“Kick the door in.”

“What?” I nearly screamed. “What if they have an alarm, Michael?”

“Then we’ll have plenty of time to leave. We’re out in the middle of nowhere, Katy, the police will take forever to get here.”

Putting my hand behind my back, I crossed my fingers that the alarm was silent. The last thing I wanted to do was get back into the car with him and drive away from Moose Village. Michael lifted his foot and kicked. I wasn’t surprised when nothing happened at first. Michael wasn’t exactly the type who was capable of kicking in doors.

He did it again, and when nothing happened, he cursed. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was the kind of door Kian had put in to keep people from doing exactly this, or if Michael was just weak as hell.

“Looks like you need more leg days at the gym.”