Looking up at her again, I tilted my head. “I can. Like I said, I have some experience working in a bakery.”
“Right,” she said with a humorless laugh. “I forgot.”
Narrowing my eyes at her, I knew she was trying to figure out who in the hell this stranger was working for heraunt. I understood why, I was being vague, but really, did a person have to give their whole life story?
“How long have you been here on the East Coast?”
Stopping what I was doing, I looked up in thought. “Maybe a month? I thought I wanted to live in New York City, but quickly decided big cities were not for me.”
“Grew up in the country then?”
“You could say that. We weren’t really in town, but not in the middle of anywhere. Close to the ocean though.”
Opal walked into the kitchen and let out a small yelp when she saw her niece, saving me from having to answer any more of her prying questions. “Macy! My goodness, what are you doing here?”
Macy smiled a true smile for the first time since I turned and saw her. “Aunt Opal, how are you?”
The two women hugged and kissed each cheek.
“I’m doing fine, as usual. Now, tell me what brought you here?”
Macy wrapped her arm around her aunt. “I don’t live that far from Moose Lake, you know.”
“I know, but you don’t come visit very often.”
I saw the flash of regret on the younger woman’s face.
Macy cleared her throat. “Kian is coming home.”
“He is?” Opal asked, surprised.
My interest was piqued, but I pretended to concentrate on the cake pansandthen the jelly filling that was cooking on the stove for the cakes.
“Indeed, he is. I wanted to ensure everything was in order for him at the house. I popped in to let Sally know to expect him. I could have called, but I’m sure she is lonely in that house all alone.”
I peeked up and wondered who Sally and Kian were.
Opal laughed. “That was sweet of you, but, Macy, you do remember your brother is only two years younger than you? He can take care of himself.”
Macy chuckled. “I know, but it was my idea that he come home for a bit. He’s been struggling at the firm.”
My head snapped up.Firm?
Opal sighed. “I never understood why your mother and father pressured you kids to follow them into law. I’m glad you decided to follow your dreams and that Mark did his own thing.”
“I did after way too many late nights at the office and working every weekend. I think Kian has serious burnout now. So much so, he said he was going to quit.”
“Quit?” Opal asked. “He quit?”
Macy nodded her head. “He said he was going to. I haven’t spoken to him since he called me this morning.”
She looked at her watch. “He could very well be in with Mom and Dad now. I told him to be sure he didn’t mention me.”
Opal laughed. Macy turned and looked at me, and I acted as if I was busy with the filling.
“Do you have a few spare minutes to talk in your office?” Macy asked.
“My office? Is something wrong?”