Page 75 of The Devil's Pair


“One hundred percent.” Dux sat next to her. “We swear.”

“OK, so…” She made a circle in the air with one hand. “…what’s with the surprise visit? Surely you’re not just making sure that I had breakfast today?”

“Well, notonly,” Drake said. “But it’s clear that we’ll need to step up a bit with the cooking part of things from now on, and we need to get furniture assembled and go shopping for baby supplies.”

“Yeah,” Dux chimed in and gestured at the stack of paperwork on the coffee table in front of them. “Andwe need to get your maternity stuff filled out, liketoday. This should all have been done weeks ago, babe. We’ll do this and drop it off at Rose Terraces for you first thing on Monday morning.”

“Uh.” She stared at them now, feeling like they were all having a conversation in which she’d missed a really crucial piece of preliminary information. “Why are you two talking like you’ll be here for a while? And if you’ve come for a long visit, why didn’t you give me a heads-up?”

“Because thisisn’ta visit,” Dux told her. “Not at all.”

“It’s more permanent than that,” his brother added. “Way,waymore.”

“What?” Briley whispered, wondering if she was hearing what she thought she was. “What are you two eventalkingabout?”

“We’ve left The Road Devils,” Drake said simply. “We’re movinghere, to Bellefonte.”

“But –” Briley sputtered in shock. “But how?Howdid you leave? Like – you guys escaped the MC?”

“We asked Wolf and he gave us his blessing,” Dux said. “It’s unusual, to be sure, but he said that these are unusual circumstances, and he wants us here with you, and not just for quick visits. Like,allthe time. For good.”

“If you’ll have us,” Drake hastened to add. “I mean… we’re looking for a job in a garage, and we have a few interviews this coming week, and Dux found a pretty great two-bedroom apartment about a ten-minute drive from here. Or we can live here with you, if that’s what you want, but that part’s completely up to you.”

“Up tome?” she echoed. “I – I get the final say?”

“Babe,” Dux said. “You’vealwayshad the final say. We’ll do whatever you ask, and whatever you want, we’ll make happen. For you, for our kids.”

“This is your choice, Briley,” Drake said. “All yours.”

She stared at them some more, feeling like her whole world had just started spinning backwards. She’d gone from wishing that they’d be with her a bit more often, to suddenly being able to have them with herall the time. In her own home, in her own bed – well, it would betheirhome and bed, surely – and her whole life.

Our lives. Life. All five of us, together.

They could be there for the last couple of months of what was becoming a challenging pregnancy, and they could be at the births of their son and daughter, and they could be there for every night feed and change. First smiles, first words, first steps…every little miracle that these babies performed, their fathers could be there.

Theywouldbe there.

All she had to do was say yes to these men. Say yes to everything that they were offering to give. Say yes to them being full-time Dads and full-on partners.

“So.” Drake smoothed her unruly hair off her forehead, gave her one of those heart-stopping smiles. “What do you want to do, darlin’?”

And of course Briley knew.

Chapter Twenty-two

Denver, Colorado

“So,” Scars said, a bit perplexed. “Briley thinks that it’s too soon for them all to all live together – a bit of aweirdthing to say since she’s pregnant – but they can all take the time to get to know each other differently? Like, as co-parents?”

“Uh-huh,” Cole set down the tray of coffees on the conference room table, started handing the cups around to his brothers. “She wants them to put the babies first for now, and of course the boys agree.”

“Huh.” Saint took a cup of coffee, turned it around in his hands, reflected on that. “I actually think that’s pretty damn reasonable.”

“Right?” Silver said. “Although I got the feeling that Dux and Drake aredyingto get into her bed… they’ll wait, though, ‘cause they want things to be right. I mean, it was a big chance, them just showing up out of the blue and announcing that they had moved to Pennsylvania.”

“Not really,” Viking piped up. “Elle and Briley have talked a lot over the past few weeks, and she was really missing the twins out there on her own. Said she knew she could do it, but she wished the boys would be around for their kids. Elle told me more than once that the best thing for everyone involved would be for them to be a real family.”