“You’resorry?” Briley said, incredulous that they felt that way after the series of bombs that she’d dropped into their lives. “What the hell for?”
“Because you had to save yourself, darlin’,” Drake said quietly. “You needed us – all three of you did – and we weren’t there for you that night. We failed you.”
“No –” she protested, horrified. “You –”
“We couldn’t protect any of you,” Dux said. “And we’re sorry, babe. So fucking sorry.”
“You didn’t fail us,” she said, more loudly. “You didn’t let us down. You’ve been nothing but amazing, and I mean right from the beginning. The compound, and helping me find a home, and putting down your own money to make sure that I got it. Every second that we spent in bed together…”
“Well.” Drake gave her that trademark charming grin. “Notjustin bed.”
Bang on cue, Briley blushed, thinking about the kitchen.Lord, she’d never be able to look at it again without remembering Dux between her splayed thighs, Drake kissing her and teasing her nipples.
Focus, Briley. Focus.
“Ahem. Yes.” She gave her head a tiny shake. “Not just… ummm. Anyway. Yes. Uh, so… I was saying… ummm…” She found the conversational thread again and grabbed it. “I wassayingthat since I showed up here out of the blue and told you about the twins, you’ve been nothing but supportive and in it with me, no qualifications or reservations. You get me? You guys have nothing,nothing, to be sorry for.”
“Well, let’s agree to disagree on that one, babe.” Dux gently traced the curve of her cheekbone. “Just know that we couldn’t help or protect you then, but it’ll be the last timethatever happens. We’re here for you, and that’s the end of it. Anything you need.”
“Actually, Idoneed something right now.”
“What’s that?”
She gave them a tremulous smile, her heart already breaking clean in two at the knowledge that by this time tomorrow, she’d be alone in her little house. Well, kind of alone. “A hug?”
As one, they pulled her to her feet and tugged her into those incredible arms, the ones that made her feel like she was in the best place on earth. She closed her eyes, reallyfeltthese men’s bodies surrounding her, and just like that, she was back in that restaurant, back in her bed, back in her kitchen, back in Dux's bed.Every single timethat she’d ever been held by them flashed through her mind like a movie that was wildly sexy but also safe, and to be honest, their arms werebothof those things. And more.
And it was all over now.
Chapter Twenty
Ten weeks later
Jo came down from her office at The Garage, both hands full of papers. Silver looked up from the motorcycle that he was working on, and saw that she wasn’t holding on to the stairs railing. Right away, he shot to his feet, shot over to her.
“Hey,” he admonished her, watching her feet in those sexy-as-fuck high heels approach carefully. “What did I tell you about coming down those stairs without one hand free, baby? Youwantto go crashing down on that cute little ass?”
Jo gave him a dazzling smile and accepted his outstretched hand. “Well, maybe I can dig out some of the shoes that Iusedto wear, back when I first started working here. What do you think,querido? Arethosebetter for these death-trap iron steps?”
Silver grinned as he remembered those horrible cheap flats, those baggy long skirts, those shapeless beige blouses, then he looked at Jolene. She was in one of her heart-attack-inducing tight suits that hugged every curve, and strappy heels that showed off those trim calves. The woman was a smoldering little knock-out, and he’d never stop wanting her. She was the sweetest addiction he’d ever known, and she was one that he’d never want to kick.
“Nah, baby,” he said, swinging her off her feet completely and kissing her on her those amazing lips. “Carry on with the current wardrobe – and I’ll stand by for stair duty.”
She laughed as he gently set her back on her feet. “Got it, handsome. And I promise that I’ll hold the railing in a death grip, and make more trips up and down.”
“Excellent,” Silver growled. “That way I get to watch you comingandgoing more than once.”
They smiled at each other, lost in their own little world, when they heard exaggerated coughing. They looked over to see Dux and Drake grinning at them, but their eyes looked oddly downcast.
“Maybe you two need to find a room?” Drake said, with nothing like his usual joking energy; it was like he was on automatic pilot and just dutifully snarking. “Do some coming and going in a different way?”
Utterly unoffended, Jo rolled her eyes, even as Silver cocked his silver-blond head at his brothers.
“So,” he said. “What’s wrong?”
The twins started, stared at him.
“What do you mean, man?” Dux asked. “Nothing’s wrong.”