“Or maybe…” she said slowly, feeling the answering fire rising in her own body. “Maybe itcouldbe?”
“Well, babe.” Dux gave her a slow once-over, those eyes raking her from head to toe. “You need to explain that.Howcould it be better?”
Without a word, Briley got to her feet, lifted her loose dress up and over her head, and stood there in her black lace underwear, her golden hair cascading over her shoulders, warm and lovely. Right away and despite the fact that they loved seeing her full breasts and the tempting outline of her pussy lips, their gazes dropped to her curved stomach. When they met her eyes again, she saw a tenderness, a softness in those blue depths.
“So there they are, huh?” Drake said, and he heard the wonder in his own words. “All nestled up safe and sound.”
“Yes,” she said. “I’m taking care of them. And now…” She slowly sank to her knees, so graceful and beautiful, and gazed upat the men. “Now I want to take care of you. Both of you. At the same time.”
“Fuck,” Dux whispered. “Babe…”
“Clothes off,” she ordered them. “Then come over here. I want to taste you.”
They both started, taken aback and yet hopelessly turned on.
“Briley… you don’t have to,” Drake said, as his brother made inarticulate sounds in his throat. “Are you sure… you…I mean, we’dlove…”
She smiled at his stuttering and stammering. Nothing like watching two ice-cool ex-Marines go to pieces a little bit; it made them absolutely endearing. “I’m sure. And why aren’t you getting naked yet?”
Within a minute, they had done as she’d told them, and stood in front of her. Huge, hard, almost impossibly beautiful. Her smile had an edge now as she looked at their muscular, tattooed bodies, reminding herself just how fuckinggorgeousthey were.
“Briley,” Dux said, echoing Drake’s words, needing to ask for himself. “Are yousure?”
Slowly, making them watch her take her time, she reached for Drake. He held his breath as she took his cock in her hand and stroked him gently, then she pulled Dux to her mouth. She dropped her head back and met Drake's eyes before licking Dux cock, up and down, her tongue swirling around the tip in a sassy little move as she released him.
“So. Does itlooklike I’m sure?” she said pertly. “Like I’m doing exactly what I want to do, here with you?”
Literally unable to speak, the men nodded.
She nodded back, then in one swift movement, she switched: she took Drake in her mouth and hand, held Dux in her other hand, pumping him gently. Her eyes flicked betweentheir stupefied faces as she sucked Drake’s cock, up and down, slid her fingers up and down his brother’s length at the same time.
“Jesus,” Drake managed to say in a strangled voice. “JesusChrist, darlin’…”
Her answer was to take him deeper. With a groan, he gently grasped her hair with one hand, pulling her closer and tighter, loving how his cock just disappeared into the softness of her sweet mouth. He wanted to thrust as hard and fast as he could, but he somehow managed to maintain a degree of control.
She pulled back a bit, still stroking Dux, a mischievous grin on her face now. “Move me back and forth between you.”
“What?” Drake goggled down at her, loving her breath on him. “Uh –what?”
“Both of you take me by the hair and move me where you want me.” She mouthed kisses on the head of his cock, licking at the salty pre-cum, her hand still busy with Dux. “Use me how you want.”
“Oh,God,” they said at the same time. “Briley.”
She took Dux’s hand now, placed in on the back of her head next to his brother’s. Right away –helpless to his desire and need – he curled his fingers in her thick hair. And pulled her over to him.
Without another word, she took him in her mouth again, hot and willing and oh-so-eager. She pulled Dux deep into her throat, drew back to run her tongue around his sensitive tip, then she sucked deep again. Over and over, until he started to lift himself into her mouth, silently begging for her to not stop, to not slow down.
“Fuck, babe…fuck…” His head fell back and his whole body tightened up. “You’re going to make me come any second… I can’t…”
At his words, Drake tugged her over to him now, and she went. He saw her cat-like little smile just before she took him as deep and hard as possible. He cursed, bucked, clenched, also came damn close to losing control. He gave a guttural shout, his hand holding her head tight –maybe too tight– even as his cock filled her mouth and throat.
Briley loved every single second of the next few minutes. She may have been the one on her knees with her hair being pulled and her head being directed back and forth, butholyLord, did she ever hold all the power here. These men – this huge, strong, dangerous men – was powerless under her hands, her mouth, her lips. They were begging and panting, moving her for their pleasure, taking turns with her.
“Enough,” Dux finally rasped, his fingers tangled around her hair in a death-grip to hold her hot little mouth still on his aching cock. He knew that Drake was just as close as he was, and neither of them wanted to come like this with her, not tonight. “Just – justenough.”
She murmured something that certainlysoundedcompliant, but the vibrations against his cock made him pulse again and he tensed even more. Slowly, so agonizinglyslowly, she slid back over him and he growled deep in his chest and pulled away with a grunt. The little minx teased and taunted him even as she pretended to obey, and he felt the deep, primal need to fuck her.Now.
Briley sat back on her heels now, so amazingly gorgeous and radiant as she knelt in front of them. Her lips were swollen and pink, her eyes glowing up at them, her breasts spilling out of the lace of her bra, that sassy mouth curved up in a satisfied smile.