Ice glared at him, then pulled out his cell phone to call Wolf, dreading everything that was lurking, and happening, and coming. He pushed the ‘1’ on his phone, heard the distant ringing, felt every mile stretching out between himself and Wolf. New Mexico shared a state border with Colorado, but Ice had never felt farther away from his club, from his family, from his home. Fromher.
Fuck, I hope we’re not already too late.
There was a click in his ear, and he braced himself to tell his President the newest round of terrible, horrible, no good, very bad news.
Chapter Nine
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
The next morning
Briley woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon (which was awesome), but alone in her bed (which was not).
She struggled to her feet and stretched, her entire body sore in all the best, most delicious ways: she’d been pushed to her limit over and over with the twins, and she now knew just how much she could take sexually and keep breathing.
Well,barelybreathing at some points. Drake had not been kidding when he’d said that they were dynamite in bed together, nor had Dux when he’d said that being with the two of them at the same time was a whole new world.
And she’d been right too – shehadindeed seen entire solar systems. At one point, at around two o’clock that morning, she’d come so hard that she thought she’d seen her whole life flash before her eyes. She couldn’t think of a better way to go though: riding Dux’s cock while Drake took her ass, her hands gripping the headboard so hard that she was sure it was going to break in her hands. Their hands roaming all over her heated, writhing body – caressing her breasts, pulling her hair, guiding her for their own pleasure – before stroking her clit in perfect unison with their thrusts. That orgasm had been so deep, so hard, so long, Brileystillfelt it.
And just like that, despite her soreness, she was ridiculously turned on again. She also wondered how one man was ever going to be enough for her.
They’ve ruined me for all other men, I swear… and they’ve done it in just one night.
She ducked into her ensuite bathroom, and stared at the woman in the mirror. Her hair was a tangled disaster area, her full lips were swollen from her biting them in the throes of orgasm, her cheeks were glowing despite the lack of sleep. It was the face of a woman who’d been satisfied over and over again, and who was now going to go looking for more.
Right now.
She collected her robe from the guest room floor, walked down the stairs and through her beautiful living room. She glanced out the huge window, mentally wished her mountain view a very good morning, then proceeded down the hallway to her bright kitchen.
“Well, well, well.” Dux was sitting at the table, coffee cup almost to those distracting, amazing lips. “Look who surfaced, Drake.”
His brother turned from the oven, frying pan held aloft. “At last. We thought we’d killed you, darlin’. Dux just checked on you to make sure you were still breathing.”
“I was. Barely.” Briley smiled at them, loved the twinkling grins that she got back. “Are those eggs in there, handsome?”
“Omelette with mushrooms and cheese,” he said. “Bacon’s on the table, if Dux hasn’t pigged out on it.”
“There’s plenty left,” Dux protested, then got to his feet and pulled out a chair. “Sit down, babe. You must be exhausted.”
“I kind of am,” she admitted, plunking herself into the chair in a decidedly unladylike sprawl. “But not in a bad way, at all.”
Drake poured her a coffee, brought it to the table with a plate of piping hot omelette. “So we didn’t disappoint?”
“Jesus,” Briley said rolling her eyes. “Youknowyou didn’t. Surely me passing out between the two of you gave you a hint?”
“Yeah, we know,” Drake said. “But it’s a bit uncouth to justassume.”
“Assume away,” she said. “In fact, assume all you want, ‘cause I promise you, you won’t be wrong.”
“Huh.” Dux stared at her over his cup, those blue eyes giving her a look that she was nowveryfamiliar with. Like intimately. “So does that mean that you’re up for another round or five after breakfast?”
“Why wait until after breakfast?” Briley’s voice was husky with desire. “Why waitat all?”
The men looked at each other, then in unison and without a word, they each grasped one of her hands and pulled Briley to her feet. Dux tugged her robe over her shoulders, down her body, his lips warm on her nipples; Drake stood behind her, holding her tight against him, caressing her pussy.
Briley gasped, already lost in her need. She threw her head back against Drake’s chest, her hair wild and tumbled over her breasts, her knees trembling under her.
“God,” she whispered as Drake stroked her aching arousal, spreading her honeyed heat all over, and Dux kissed his way down her body, got on his knees in front of her. “I can’t believe how good you two feel.”