Page 31 of The Devil's Pair

Dux looked up, a second finger now working inside her. “You’re close, babe. So close to the edge. I can tell, I can feel it.”

“I am… please…”

“Please what?”

“Please make me come…” She bucked as his fingers pressed on her secret spot and her whole body started to dissolve. “Please…”

He felt Briley’s entire body shaking on him, so close to orgasm, so ready to give it all to him, and all she needed was a tiny bit more pressure with his fingers and tongue. He gave it to her, his fingers reaching deep and hard, his tongue relentless on her clit as he pressed and pushed on it. And Briley exploded with a scream that was swallowed up in Drake’s kiss.

She honestly thought that she was going to lose consciousness from the pure, white-hot intensity of it. She could do nothing more than hold onto Drake’s broad shoulders, and throw her head back, totally spread on Dux’s devouring mouth, coming and coming. She gave a final cry, a last shudder, and she collapsed forward into Drake’s arms.

Dux reached up and in one strong movement, he lifted her up and over, gently lowering her onto the bed next to him. He pulled her up tight against him, stroking her hair and murmuring in her ear, as Drake lay down on her other side. He wrapped his arms around her too, whispered that she was beautiful and amazing, the most gorgeous thing either of them hadeverhad their hands on.

Slowly, her body stopped shaking, and she relaxed between them. Dux kissed her palm as Drake stroked her back, calming her.

“You OK?” Dux tipped her head back so he could see her face as she answered. “Are you here in the room with us?”

“Yes,” she said, her eyes glowing. “I’mmorethan OK, and I’m here with you. I mean… not justyou, I meanbothof you. Butjustyou two.”

Dux laughed at her slight incoherence, thinking that she was completely adorable when she was in a post-orgasmic daze. “That’s good to hear.” He combed his fingers through her tumbled hair, loving the tousled waves. “You are so fucking beautiful when you come, babe.”

She blushed at that, ducked her head. She liked what he’d said, but it was the first time that a man –anyman – had just come right out with it like that.

“Nuh-uh, don’t be embarrassed,” Drake told her.“You’re the most delicious thing we’ve ever seen.”

“Or tasted,” Dux added.

She blushed some more and he grinned at her, unrepentant. Seeing that look on his gorgeous face, and without any thought or plan or hesitation, Briley reached up and kissed Dux, loving how he responded to her. He was all hot, hard strength and muscles, and her pussy fluttered again. She couldn’tbelievethat she wanted to start things up again so soon, but she did and he knew it instantly. They both did.

“Really?” Drake said in mocking surprise. “Already?”

“I know.” She turned over to face him, pressed herself up against him. “I can’t seem to help myself. I want more. I want everything.”

“Then that’s what you’ll get, darlin’.” Drake kissed her, and she felt a shift in him, in them both. “Everything andthensome.”

“Yeah, you seem to have gotten into the spirit of the whole thing,” Dux teased her. “Not feeling so clumsy now, are you?”

“Nooooo.” Briley shook her head, but then she had a thought. “But wait – I don’t want – I mean Idowant, but not right away – notbothof you –”

“Babe,” Dux said gently. “We won’t be inside you at the same time, not yet.”

“Maybe in an hour,” his brother added, then caught the look on her face. “I’m joking, darlin’. Double penetration is fuckinghot, OK, but you need to be comfortable with it, otherwise it’s a disaster.”

“I’m not against anal,” she said slowly. “In fact, I like it sometimes, but I’ve never – well. I know you know that I’ve never had two men at once, so I’m not sure how it will feel to have – you know.”

“One of us in your pussy, and the other in your ass?” Dux said, and he ducked as she smacked him lightly. “It will feelgreat, Briley, I promise you… but only if you’re relaxed. Like I said, we won’t do that right off the bat. You tell us when you’re ready to try, and we’ll go slow.”

“So then,how…who…” She peered up at them. “I guessthisis where the logistics confound me.”

“Simple,” Dux told her. “One of us gets to take you, while the other one watches… hopefully with your mouth all wrapped around him.”

“Ohhh,” she breathed as her pussy tightened and tingled at his words. “That seems doable. But how do we decide?”

“Decide what?” Drake said.

“Decide who… uh. Hmmm.” She scrambled for the words to communicate this bizarre – yet totally hot and enjoyable – situation. “Who goes where.”

“Ahhhh. Gotcha.” Drake smiled at her. “The agreement between us is that whoever made you come first gets to be the first inside you.”