“Yes,” she confirmed. “Soyes.”
“OK, then,” Dux said. “My turn.”
She looked over her shoulder at him, took in the glint in his eyes. “Your –”
That was all she got out before she was off her feet, turned and lifted into Dux’s arms. She gave a small shriek, a bit panicked at suddenly being in the air.
“Easy, babe,” Dux said as he wrapped her legs around his waist and walked out of the room, headed down the hall to her own bedroom. “We’re just moving you someplace more comfortable.”
“After all,” Drake added, following behind them. “A mattress on the guest room floor isn’t crazy-sexy, is it?”
“I guess not,” she mumbled. “Though you boys managed fine without a mattress at all.”
“True,” Drake acknowledged. “But youdidalmost do a face-plant onto the floor… maybe we’d betterstartwith you prone, huh?”
She opened her mouth to protest, then just shut it again. It’s not like they were wrong, after all; shehadcome hard enough on Drake’s fingers to almost pass out. What on earth would happen to her center of balance and gravity once they got their mouths on her, their cocks in her? Maybe shewasbetter off horizontal.
Dux deposited her gently on her own huge bed now. He lowered her slowly, watching her eyes the whole time, and he stayed with her, stretching his body the length of hers. Briley gasped when he pressed her into the mattress, and he shifted his weight to his forearms.
“Am I too heavy?” he asked.
“No,” she said running her hands down his strong back, arching into him. “No, you feel wonderful.”
“You too, babe. God, you just feel so good under me.”
Her eyes glowed up at him. “Kiss me, Dux.”
“I will. And I’ll do way more than that.”
“I hope so,” she whispered.
He kissed her as she requested, his hands running over her breasts, down the curve of her hips, then lower. He gently parted her smooth thighs and delved between them, skimming over her pussy, just brushing her lightly with a whisper of a touch. She closed her eyes and held her breath, silently begging for him to stroke her there.
Without warning, he rolled over onto his back and pulled Briley with him. She gave a small cry of surprise as he opened her thighs farther, gently set them on either side of his body, and then pushed her up above him. She placed her hands on his chest for balance, loving to feel that hard muscle under her fingers.
Dux grasped her hips and started to lift and pull her forward up his body, one inch at a time. She looked down at his face, meeting his eyes, holding her breath, until –Oh, God… please…– he lowered her hot center just over his mouth. Briley shuddered helplessly on top of him, feeling his breath so close to her pulsing want. He raised his chin a bit, moving away from her pussy, and she moaned in frustration.
“Now, now,” he admonished her. “We’ll get started when Drake is up here with us.”
Drake grinned and joined them on the bed. He knelt at his brother’s head, facing Briley, his eyes level with hers. He took her hands, kissed them, then he curled her fingers around his massive shoulders.
“Hold onto me, darlin’,” he said, his voice rough and dark. “You’re going to need to.”
She gasped and clung to Drake like he was a life raft in a storm, already halfway to orgasm at his words. That was when Dux moved again, lifted his mouth to pussy… and she was lost.
Dux closed his eyes at the very first taste of her.Fuck, she was so sweet. Hot. He gently parted her swollen lips with his thumbs, and his tongue found her taut bundle of nerves. He started to lick at it slowly, with increasing pressure, listening to Briley moaning above him. He eased up then, gently circling her clit with his fingers, spreading her juices all over her sex before lapping at her again. Her hips moved at his every touch, and she rode his mouth, and he loved it.
Briley was slowly losing the capability for rational thought, or any thought, really. She was vibrating with pleasure, her whole body jumping and convulsing as Dux buried his face between her legs, his tongue doing incredible things to her. She was justfeelingnow, letting herself just take the pleasure he was so freely giving her. Her back arched as the wave of ecstasy built and rose; she was almost sobbing with the need to come.
Dux slowly ran his tongue over her clit again, felt her whole body tense. His one hand gripped her hips, holding her in place, and with the other, he slid a thick finger inside her, pumping and plunging. She writhed on him and gave a cry, clinging to Drake tightly. Dux moved his finger deeper and sucked on her sweet little pearl at the same time, and Briley made a sound that she’d never heard come out of her mouth before: a kind of keening whimper. Her pussy clamped on his finger, pressing and releasing and her clit swelled under his lips, expanding almost to bursting.
Drake kissed her now, deeper, stronger, and she moaned again as his hands wandered over her breasts, teasing and taunting her. Her fingernails were digging into his muscledshoulders, but he didn’t seem to even notice. She was riding his brother’s mouth, gasping into his, and she couldn’tbelievethat she had actually wasted time worrying about any of this.
It was perfect.Theywere perfect.
“Oh, God, Dux…” She shuddered as her pleasure rose, crested, impossibly rose again. “You feel so good… youbothdo…”