Page 29 of The Devil's Pair

The smiled at her, the same dangerous and wanton smile, and she felt her knees start to go out from under her. She’d never,neverseen anything like the way they were looking at her, and her whole body short-circuited in mere seconds.

Dux reached for her just in time, kept her from crashing down to the carpeted floor. He held her close, so close that she felt his heartbeat. He winked at her and said:

“Robe. Off. Now.”

She gasped when Drake’s hands reached around her, untied the belt on her robe. It fell to the floor in a soft heap,and then she was naked in front of them. She felt shy suddenly, which took her by surprise: she’d always been proud of her body before this very second. It was strong and healthy and fit, but once again, she thought about all the other women who’d stood in her place, stood nude in front of Dux and Drake, and she wondered how she measured up.

Of course she needn’t have worried; it was like they heard her thoughts, and they rushed to reassure her.

“You are so beautiful, babe,” Dux said, his voice husky with lust and emotion, running his eyes over her. “God, we’vedreamtof this, Briley... wanted to see you like this for so long.”

“You’re perfection, darlin’,” Drake added, brushing her hair off her shoulders so he could kiss the curve of muscle. “We’ve imagined you naked, naturally, but you’ve blown away our expectations… andthensome.”

Briley was still trying to gather enough breath to respond to any ofthiswhen Dux lowered his head to her breasts, even as his brother mouthed kisses across her back. She closed her eyes at the sensations they evoked, trying to not scream already. Their lips were demanding and determined, and they tugged and sucked on her nipples, on her neck.

Dux moved from one breast to the other, licking and gently nipping, his hands on her back and pulling her in tighter. Drake slid his hands over her hips, over her thighs. Briley felt her pussy tense up, start to turn liquid, start to throb and pulse. And they hadn’t even touched her there yet.

Dux spun her suddenly, pulled her back up tight against that massive chest, his cock nudging against her. Then – without a word – Drake’s right hand slid down her belly and he palmed her slick heat. Now shedidgive a small scream, and he grinned.

“We are going to love making you come. Over and over again.” Drake kissed her, so languid and slow. “You're going to beg for us to fuck you before we’re done, I promise you.”

Her head fell back on Dux’s shoulder and her back arched. “Drake…”

“Yeah, that’s it, Briley.” His fingers were soaked with her sweet arousal and he traced the curve of her pussy slowly, over and over, until she opened to him. “Let me in, darlin’.”

When he slipped a finger inside, she gripped his hand, trying to speed up his movements. He laughed softly, though, and his brother grasped her arms, pinning them behind her.

“We're not rushing this, babe,” Dux murmured in her ear, holding both of her wrists in one of his huge hands, the other dancing over her nipples. “We’re going to enjoy you. We’re going to feel you get hotter, feel you writhing against us, feel just how wet that sweet little pussy can get for us. We want you towantto come more than you want your next breath. We want you to fuckingbegus for it.”

She whimpered, her chest heaving. “Please…”

“Begging already?” Drake slid a second finger inside now, starting to thrust and withdraw in a torturously slow rhythm. “But I haven't had any fun yet. Neither one of us have.”

Briley lost the ability to speak now. His fingers were moving smoothly in and out of her pussy, and true to his word, he was taking his damn sweet time. Three plunges, four, ten, twenty. She lost track, lost any concept of time. Helplessly, her hips started to move on his fingers and she rode and fucked his hand, shameless and abandoned, her legs as far apart as she could get them, leaning back against Dux just to stay on her feet, her breath coming out in hot pants.

The twins couldn't believe how passionate she was, how quickly she just handed herself over to the pleasure. She was so wet, so open and ready. Dux’s cock was rock-hard and he ground it against her gyrating ass, trying to keep some degree of control as he felt her legs start to shake. She had her head thrown back, her body straining and reaching. She was so fucking gorgeousand wild, all feral need and feminine sweetness. His eyes met Drake’s and they grinned, knowing that Briley was close, so damn close.

She moved faster now and Drake matched her pace, his fingers starting to fuck her deeper, harder. She almost sobbed with relief when his twisted his wrist and started to stroke her clit with his thumb as he thrust into her slick, aching channel.

“Oh!” she cried. “Oh... Drake!”

“Beg me,” he growled. “Beg me or I make you wait.”

“Please!” Her plea came out as a ragged scream. “Oh, God...please!”

“That's our girl.” He pushed down on her clit, let up, pushed again. “We've got you, Briley. Let go. Just let it happen now.”

Mindless, her whole being a turmoil of emotion and sensation, Briley did as he commanded. Her climax started in her toes, shot up her legs, rolled over the rest of her body in a wave that took her knees out from under her. She slumped, convulsing and crying out, the clenching and releasing inside her body the most powerful thing she'd ever felt. Dux’s arm snaked around her waist, holding her up as she rode out the orgasm, gasping and almost sobbing.

The pleasure faded slowly, her body shuddering with aftershocks. Gently, Drake took her in his arms; her head fell forward now, rested on his chest. Dux released her hands and she clutched Drake’s upper arms weakly, still trying to get her knees to function properly. She was exhausted, energized. She’d loved every second of it.

Drake kissed her forehead, running his hands through her tumbled hair. “Fuck, darlin’. That was beautiful.”

She made a small, strangled sound in her throat, and they both laughed.

“What was that?” Dux asked her, moving in close behind her, feeling her trembling. “Was that a sound of satisfaction?”

“Ummmm,” she managed. “Mmmm-hmmmm.”