And then – with zero warning and without a word – he got to his feet and unbuckled and unzipped his jeans, just stepped on out of them in one smooth movement. Then he casually settled back on the bed on his side facing Briley, holding the bag of ice to the back of his thigh, sipping his beer like he wasn’t gloriously half-naked, all sexy and hot and just two feet in front of her.
Meanwhile, Briley was seriously thinking about dropping dead from the shock of seeing Dux in just boxer shorts and a t-shirt… and though shetriedandtriednot too look, she couldn’t resist sneaking a few glances at the ridiculously impressive bulge in the boxers.
Dear. Sweet. Lord.
“So,” Dux said in a conversational tone, as if absolutely nothing out-of-the-ordinary had just happened. “What were you saying about us being sexy?”
“Ummmm.” She forced her eyes away from his long, strong legs and up to meet his Arctic blue gaze; that was when she saw his smirk, and she realized that he was teasing her. “I mean… you guysknowyou’re sexy. Clearly.”
“We do,” Drake agreed cheerfully. “But we’realsoin total agreement thatyouare, in no uncertain terms, drop-dead hot.”
“I – I am?”
“Yes,” he continued. “And we were wondering if you’d like to stay here tonight.”
Puzzled now, Briley blinked at him. “Iamstaying here. My room is right next door.”
“Nah, babe,” Dux said. “He meansherewithus. Inthisroom. Together. Allthreeof us.”
“You mean…” She hesitated, sure that she hadwaythe wrong end of the stick here. “You mean that I stay here with – withbothof you? At – at the same time?”
“Yep,” Dux said, his voice going low and almost growly. “All three of us together, at the same time.”
“But –” She stuttered to a conversational halt. “You mean that you’d – that one of you would watch me with the other? Like, take turns?”
“No, darlin’,” Drake said and now his voice was as rough as his brother’s. “We’d enjoy you at the exact same time.”
“So – so you two –” Briley waved her hands in futile and flapping circles, trying to find the words. “You – share women? In bed? At the same time?”
Dux and Drake gave her those identical, absolutely heart-stopping smiles. The ones that lit up their amazing blue eyes so they crinkled and danced; the ones that made those curved, sensual lips more tempting than ever.Goddamnthem.
“You got it, darlin’,” Drake said. He lifted his beer bottle to that distracting mouth and slowly took a sip. “We prefer things that way.”
“But –” Briley blinked as images flashed before her eyes: her on her hands and knees in front of Dux, while Drake fucked her from behind, his every thrust driving Dux’s cock deeper into her eager throat. Her riding Dux, her hair wild and tumbled over her shoulders, while Drake teased her nipples with his fingers and mouth.“But how does it – I mean – how do you –whatdo you – I mean, Ikindof knowwhatbut what I mean ishow–”
“Ah, babe,” Dux said gently. “We’ve blown your mind and we ain’t even touched you.”
“No, no, no. You haven’t.” She shook her head, sought refuge in a gulp of vodka and orange as she gathered her whirling thoughts and pushed down on the desire rising in her throat. “OK, you have. It’s just that I’ve never – I haven’t –”
“You’ve never had two naked men make you the center ofallof their attention?” Drake said. “Never had two men worship you with every single inch of their bodies?”
“Never been sandwiched between two huge, hard guys?” Dux said. “Never been kissed and touched by two sets of hands and lips?”
“No,” she whispered. “Never.”
“Is that something you’d like?” Dux’s voice was getting even deeper, even darker. “Something you’d want to experience?”
“I – I don’t know. Maybe.”
“Well, darlin’,” Drake said. “You say the word, and it can happen. Here. Tonight.”
“I – I –” Briley took refuge in more sweet, blessed alcohol, hoping that it would take the drowning edge off the wave of longing that had just washed over her. “I really can’t.”
“How come?” Dux asked in a conversational tone, like she was refusing a second helping of pasta at a dinner party. “Why can’t you?”
“Because… “ She screwed up her courage to talk about this, and she thanked God that she’d already told them about some of it. “Because of – of Gideon. Because of what Gideon did. I’m not ready for any kind of… of physical thing, not with even one man. Buttwomen, and two men at the sametime? That feels…” She swallowed. “That feels really impossible.”
They were silent now, all teasing and flirting gone. She continued: