Nick roused early the next morning as the first streaks of orange were lighting the sky. Samantha’s head was snuggled into his shoulder, her warm body pressed into his side. He rubbed his cheek against her hair and kissed her lightly on the top of her head.
Apart from a brief hiatus to offload the kids back to their parents, he hadn’t been out of bed all night. And he didn’t want to get out of it now. Two hours’ sleep and a bone-deep sense of satisfaction made the prospect exceedingly uninviting.
But the physio had cleared him to jog at the start of the week and he knew for his knee to get back to full strength, he couldn’t neglect his fitness regime for anything.
Or anyone.
Samantha murmured as he gently extricated himself from her arms and rolled on to her stomach. Her pink mouth was slack in slumber, and just thinking about where it had been last night was enough to cause his dick to twitch.
Her eyes fluttered open in the semi-gloom, taking a lazy swipe up and down his naked body and lingering on his swelling dick – whichdid nothelp the situation. “Where are you going?”
“Ugh.” Two brows beetled together. “It’s practically still dark out there.”
He grinned at the horror on her face. “I’ll only be an hour.”
She pulled back the covers to reveal her curvy, naked body. “You know they say that one round of vigorous sex burns as many calories as a five-mile jog?”
Nick’s eyes traced the furrow of her spine to the rise of her ass. “I’ve just built up to ten.”
“Well, come to bed and I’ll let you fuck me twice.”
Nick’s heart practically stopped. How could a man resist that? “I love it when you talk dirty.”
“Good to know.” She smiled. “Now, why don’t you come over here and put that cock in my mouth?”
Oh. Holy. Jesus.
“Where have you been? I’ve been trying to contact you for two days.”
“At Nick’s place. I haven’t left since we babysat the other night.”
“Does that mean what I think it means? Did you finally Plan B him?”
“Yes, Bec. Again and again. We haven’t even been to work.”
Bec laughed. “Hallelujah! Who’s been looking after the bookshop?”
“Bookshop? What bookshop? Nick put up the closed sign.”
“Are your eggs happy?”
“Yes and no.”
“Jesus, they’re hard to please. What’s their problem? I thought they’d love Nick.”
“Oh, they do. They hum all the time now but they’re displeased about the condom thing.”
“So, he doesn’t want kids, at all?”
“Nope. And even if he did, he’s leaving in a month.”
“So go with him.”