Page 44 of Breaking the Ice

Samantha opened her mouth to inquire just how he was going to do that but then he moved in close, fitting his body snug against hers and lowered his mouth.

From the second his lips touched hers, everything else ceased to exist. She was conscious only of Nick. The noises of the city late at night only two meters from where they stood, faded. The roughness of the wall at her shoulder blades disappeared. The faint ripe whiff emanating from the end of the alley was replaced by the aroma of Nick.

His hair, the beer on his breath, the detergent he’d used to wash his shirt which she grabbed to pull him closer, opening her mouth to him as her pulse surged thick and hot through her belly. He groaned as their tongues touched and fire licked in the pit of her stomach and between her legs.

The kiss went on and on and Samantha thought,Oh my God,I can’t live another day without his kiss in my life. Her eggs fell into a hushed kind of awe and it was the first time those bitches had been silent in months.

Please God, don’t let this ever, ever end.

His hand found the small of her back, pressing her closer, bringing her belly into intimate contact with the hard ridge ofhis erection and she clutched his shirt tighter. She realized that at the grand old age of thirty she’d never had sex in an alley. Or standing up for that matter.

And she wanted to do both – desperately.

But suddenly he was pulling away, and there was space and air between them. “Still think you’re a lesbian?” he asked, his chest heaving, his mouth still wet, his voice a husky tease.

Samantha dragged in lungfuls of air as Cher played in her head. Her body was hot and her heart hammered madly in her breast. Her chest rose and fell, rose and fell, as she struggled for speech. And coherent thought.

But he was clearly thinking straight and done with the demonstration so she made a concerted effort to pull herself together.

She gave a shaky half laugh to cover her inner uproar. “Nope. Definitely not.” That kiss had definitely been clarifying. “Thank you,” she added.

He grinned. “Any time.” Straightening, Nick pulled her away from the wall. “Come on, let’s go home.”

Samantha was pleased, at least, as she walked beside him that one question had been well and truly answered. But another one had emerged.

If that was how Nick kissed, then how great would he be at the other thing?


“Do you think it’s possible to become a virgin again, Bec?”

“Technically, no. I don’t think so.”

“If I don’t meet someone soon I’m going to have to buy a vibrator.”

“You don’t have a vibrator?”

“No! When would I have time for one? Why? Do you?”

“Of course. What sort are you thinking of? There’s some great models on the market.”

Great, her older sister who had four children not only had a vibrator but apparently knew the vibrator market? “Um… basic?” Clearly, she needed to spend some time on Google.

Bec’s exaggerated sigh was loud in Samantha’s ear. “Or you could just go to Plan B.”

“I have a Plan B?”

“Sure, Plan B. Boink Nick.”

“I am not going to boink Nick.”

“Even though he kissed you in an alley and Cher played in your head and you haven’t been able to stop thinking about it?”

“I told you, already. We talked about how it was a one-off and it’s behind us.”

There was a commotion in the background. “Hang on a minute.”

Bec put the phone down and Samantha listened to her sister refereeing an argument between her nieces which only amped up the yearning for a child of her own.