Kelly leaned in too, her mouth brushing Samantha’s ear. “This is a lesbian bar.”
Samantha blinked then looked at the grating press on the dance floor again and the intimacy of the revelers dawned on her for the first time. She looked at Kelly and the penny dropped. “Are you gay?”
Kelly nodded. “Does that bother you?”
Samantha shook her head but holy hell, she couldn’t wait to tell Bec she’d been in a gay bar. “Iseveryonegay?”
Kelly’s lips were warm against her ear, something she hadn’t registered until now and there’d been many occasions tonight that had necessitated such close contact.
“Mostly. Those that aren’t are either curious or just want to come and dance at a club where drunk men aren’t going to try and hit on them.”
Samantha nodded. Fair enough. “If straight people come here, isn’t it frustrating for you to know who’s gay and who’s not, or can you just tell?”
“Mostly you can tell. But” – Kelly tucked a stray lock of hair behind Samantha’s ear – “some women who come here don’t even realize themselves yet.”
Suddenly Nick’s words came back to her and Kelly’s vibe registered.Ohhh.Was Kelly…intoher? If the way the other woman’s gaze was zeroing in on her mouth was any indication, Samantha figured that was a yes.
The cobweb-blasting music faded into the background as Kelly leaned in, her mouth inching closer. When her lips touched down it was… odd. Soft. No graze of stubble. No whiff of male scent. No trace of man. Different to what she thought it would be – not that she’d ever fantasized about kissing a woman.
Frankly the thought that she might be attractive to the same sex had never occurred to her.
Samantha had enough headaches and heartaches with the male side of the population without having to consider the other half.
Kelly pulled away. “Nothing, huh?”
Samantha touched her lips, still a little stunned by the development. “It was… nice.”
Kelly gave a half laugh. “I take that as a yes.”
“Sorry,” Samantha apologized. “I’m flattered… really I am.”
“It’s fine.” Kelly smiled a sad smile. “It seems I’m fatally attracted to straight women.”
It was then that Samantha realized she and Kelly were kindred spirits. Kelly was looking for the same thing she was, someone to connect with. To bond with.
And finding it just as hard.
Samantha left Sin Central shortly after. The air was far less steamy outside which helped cool her heated skin. She only wished it could do the same for her heated thoughts.
Wasshe a lesbian?
Why else would Kelly have kissed her? Surely gay people didn’t just go around kissing members of the same sex blindly hoping they’d hit the jackpot eventually? Maybe Kelly knew something about her that she didn’t?
Samantha relived Kelly’s kiss. Nope, shedefinitelyhadn’t felt anything. Surely, she’d have felt something… a kind of rightness or homecoming or at least a bell clanging loudly at her if she’d been suppressing her inner lesbian all these years? Surely a gay kiss would be a huge light-bulb moment?
On the other hand, it hadn’t been a turn off either…
Dear God – could she really have beenthatwrong about herself? Maybe her body wasn’t demanding she have a baby after all? Maybe she was at some sexual crossroad and she’d screwed up the interpretation?
Typical of her map-reading ability, really.
Here she was all along thinking that her eggs were telling her one thing when maybe they’d been trying to tell her something else. Maybe her eggs were craving the company of someone else’s eggs? She placed a hand on her abdomen.
Did she have… lesbian eggs?
Turning, she found Nick striding toward her.What the…?“What are you doing here?”